Tuesday, April 21, 2015

ŠULC, Tomáš: Development of graphics in games: From Wolf to Armu II. PcTuning.tyden.cz, published 6

The essay is primarily based on article by Richard Florida - The Experiential Life, which refers to the prominent postmodern phenomenon: the interest of Western society of material, finished goods is reduced, on the contrary, is growing demand for a number of distinct experiences, and this change is aware of the current market and trying with this new human desire to grasp on their own. Using a confrontation with several other sources with an essay seeks to outline what is involved in trend Hunts experiences and "company experience" to define a typical fans of this trend (ie. Transumer). Furthermore, there has its place compared experienced with real experiences and the experiences that a person richardson and wrench seaforth takes away from the virtual world - whether from the Internet or computer games. We can not forget participatory culture, which, on the basis of some experiences are created content (and potentially experience) more. With virtual richardson and wrench seaforth experiences related to the so-called. Identitová tourism, which is an experience to take on the role of someone else.
NAKAMURA, Lisa: Head-Hunting on the Internet: Identity Tourism, Avatars, and Racial Passing in Textual and Graphic Chat Spaces. In: CRUZ, Omayra Zaragoza, richardson and wrench seaforth GUINS, richardson and wrench seaforth Raiford: richardson and wrench seaforth Popular Culture. A Reader. London: Sage Publications, 2005.
ŠULC, Tomáš: Development of graphics in games: From Wolf to Armu II. PcTuning.tyden.cz, published 6 1, 2010. Online: http://pctuning.tyden.cz/multimedia/hry-a-zabava/16018-vyvoj-grafiky-ve-hrach-od-wolfa-az-po -armu-ii Transumers. Trendwatching.com, published in November 2006. Online: http://trendwatching.com/trends/transumers.htm
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