Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Why on earth would men would like to be dealing with a group of women, whose starting point is to m

Elina Halttunen-Riikonen dwells rochester woman magazine on the following: If we believe jaanausta, which will hear from this blog in the comments, most everyone would support feminism, when [and is now on the waterfront of Janna] feminists would not be so self-irritating. Feminists. Things should rochester woman magazine tell you ... beautifully. In another way. Feminists are all by yourself marred their case. The good thing is filthy.
When feminists say to advocate equality, they do not even realize that it is just about a straight-arvoideologiasta many others (communists, libertarians, etc.). rochester woman magazine However, feminists are trying to introduce its own ideology of the equality idea of a universal truth.
2 Feminists do not resign miesvihamielisistä feminist icons such as Atlas Saarikoski, Andrea Dworkin and Valerie Solanas. Instead, rochester woman magazine the withdrawal rochester woman magazine of feminists raise them on a pedestal and gender studies oppiäideiksi appreciated.
3 Feminists argue that women's promotion of gender equality is also a men's interests, when in fact approximately 90% of the equality problem is more or less nollasummaisia, so that improving the status of single-sex weaken the position of the other sex.
4 Feminists do not dare to take part in the discussions rochester woman magazine criticize feminism, because feminism is more a religion than a science. Feminists are able to discuss feminism only professing the same faith with her sisters.
Why on earth would men would like to be dealing with a group of women, whose starting point is to minimize the men's winning? I guess women do not like to be made by a group of men who do not want to please women in any way?
1 I went to some women's studies lectures. Women's Studies paasasivat speakers in the entire lecture time, how bad are things for women, and how men and patriarchy oppressed women. For men, there were only privileges, and the only problems in women. 90% of the content of the lectures was idelogista paasausta, 10% in science.
Feminists tend to spout off hype, no sense of humor, a man in a hostile tone and hostile to the authority of a man worshiping. Since then, feminists ask ymmyrkäisinä mouth: what on earth is our bad image can be from? "
Black meteorite in Mecca.
The main task of feminism is to replace secular society women of the Church morality cherished task. Where before women were given a Christian upbringing, so they knew all about what starting well how women became sexually behave and what was the sin and wrong sexuality.
Then the religious significance was lost, and the need for a new power to take care of women, the guarding of sexuality and morality. This took the role of feminism. Now the main task of feminism is to keep women in solidarity with each other, that is, to ensure that the men get to have sex only if a woman commit themselves to marriage or marriage omaiseen relationship.
Ruusuvuori watched that video, which was repeated once again enjoying all the sex demonize phrases:
A temporary order is the exploitation of women, a woman who submits to the wrong way in favor of men use, and this is a sign of a woman's life, loss of control rochester woman magazine and wrong decisions in difficult life situations.
Such claims is to create an image that loveless sex and temporary sexual relationships are different from the people who phenomenon. Ordinary, normal people do not engage in such relations, but only in some way disrupted, marginalized or otherwise different from the people do not respect the requirement of having sex with just a couple of respects. rochester woman magazine
These are the oft-repeated claims, which does not have any medical, psychological or scientific grounds. They are the majority, with family, produced by the speech, aimed at limiting the singles sexuality. These statements are heavier class claims, and have been classified as hate speech. If a medicine, psychology or science representative to present such hate speech, rochester woman magazine and me talking about his need to be addressed and the required background communities to take action rochester woman magazine to punish the anger of the speaker. "
Mikko. I have to admit, I spent speeches during the year, you have opened up new perspectives for me. Such misunderstandings have become rochester woman magazine a clarification that stuck with me is the humanistic studies, among others. and distortions statistical information derived from "facts" that are presented as above Ruusuvuori hear from the mouth.
The equality point of view, should we deny the sexual exploitation of results from individuals themselves. So, we prohibit the use of your external appearances in all and in all situations. rochester woman magazine Should, therefore, engage in sex only and ainoastaa when acquired, as well as the descendants of only and only when both parties would be prepared to do so, and under penalty of perjury to the other party to produce its own so-called pleasure. interests / needs in the hope of tasks

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