Saturday, January 18, 2014

Feminism has done nothing for the rights of men, although the most serious crimes are just the men

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I said that feministen little projects in style business does not seek equality little projects in style because, for example, Finland, and Russia Yhdyvaltojen feminist movements have not talked about their military service or compulsory conscriptionia (USA) v (Conscription: Volunteer Army mieheistä will be the end of all conscripts), although it is quite clear that if women have military service then it would have been the first on the list. Of course, if these have been asked 'What do you think about this "so these are the" * sigh * no it is not right, yeah, "But feminists are not collectively have even the slightest initiative against these injustices. Military service is the most serious gender equality to crimes but it gets the attention of feminists 0%.
- The wage gap myth. (The woman is actually 99.5 euro cents per euro, if a man's loss formula is valid) See Thomas Sowellin debate: (Why does not every company would hire only women where once men would have to pay 1/3 more for the same work? Sooner would go bankrupt? why no company has done one of these?)
-It is shown that women are half-naked in advertisements. (What the hell, then, if women are paid huge amounts of money so that these could be visually bodies of their worship? WHERE is the evidence that these ads ESINEELISTÄVÄT little projects in style women? little projects in style HOW it is discriminatory to women?
Feminism has done nothing for the rights of men, although the most serious crimes are just the men's little projects in style side. It is possible little projects in style to argue that women do not have any problems in the Western world any more but still there is feminism. Feminism is nothing more than for women in the business of propaganda in which the victim mentality and intentionally vastakkainasettelee sexes.
Jon Good, the claim that "Feminism is nothing more than for women in the business of propaganda in which the victim mentality and intentionally vastakkainasettelee sexes." Is for your message to be mediated by sexual antagonism in the light of that same time ironic, is not it? Valid points about you asked, yes, but I recommend to look at the movement of ideas and direction, and perhaps little projects in style your values and gender-specific notions around a little more objectively.
I think it is sufficient to remove that enough users to report the message. You should think about their own behavior and ulosantiaan anyway, before you start to cry, that one comment has been removed.
I thought that the buck was a much more sensitive to criticism feminists. My comments were entirely appropriate, and if you do not believe you can read it for yourself # comment-97410 Ah! It's too bad that people can not stand the logic and superior ALYANI. Give the show because they can not destroy the argument through the argument.
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