Friday, January 10, 2014

In our group (student, long ago - 1986/87) bounced all Russian (Moscow and Leningrad) students and

Yeah, so where do you start in India? Correctly, it starts at all different. I will not here about airports, sophie elgort except to say that someone starts with kakih-nibud stars in Kerala or Goa, someone with a working office everyday somewhere in Bangalore, and some start their India with crackling dusty ambassadorika carrying them night streets of Delhi airport sophie elgort on Main Bazaar ... You are not sure that this impudent taxi driver sophie elgort brought you here exactly? Do not pay until you are sure ...) I drip-ka its five drops here about this very necessary and correct street. Many say very loudly that the only true here in India, but in the first place Indians themselves squinting their noses at those words, as if sensing the smell of the little streets, and argue, saying that it's a shame India. And rightly so. India too grandiose to be merely Main Bazaar. But ... It is necessary, this street is needed, if only to finally lose backpack guestbook five cents, it tickets anywhere in this Internet-door neighbor, this is the first (or last!) Dish Chicken and Birane Kingfisher sip, it's still a lot of different relevant and practical "is" collected sophie elgort on one picturesque street. Most colorful street of all, their own kind in Asia. In comparison, sophie elgort the Khaosan Bangkok too theatrical and pathos, Pham Ngu Lao Saigon good, but not pedestrians and too broken, Chinatown, Kuala Lumpur is more expensive and generally a "thing in itself", well in Phnom Penh Lakeside too small - IMHO. Main Bazaar is correct because it properly meets guest and stripping it of unnecessary sophie elgort Razuvious in India odezhki thoughts, habits and prejudices. This club, which knocks acquired by overwork reflexes knocks you off your feet stable, causing you to lose not only a sense every kind of balance, but also a sense of space and time. Bumped, bruised, crushed in the first minutes of the Main Bazaar you try to move it, clinging to all your previous experience and habits, but fall again and again, stunned by these sounds, the smells, the local heat in summer and cold in winter. Try not to cling to the previous one. Here you get a new experience. And then, rising and otryahnuvshis sophie elgort in-first-time-here-guest or continues to go on with a good head enlightened or run away in fear. From here, and generally from India. Yes, mother, devour a lot of road dust, it is useful here to appear. To eat it a little more ...) There shall not fall to sleep early. Of course, slackers here enough. In the artistic merits and the need to mold the frame here, I doubted. But here's a club mentioned a pro-Main Bazaar ... Someone think that I put it, but the character himself ran into the frame and began to pour, seeing that I shoot. In fact, there were not only painted rally, rally and pee ... This street sophie elgort is feeding a bunch of people running. Which is not something that popúsat pomitingovat - a drink of water once. At the same time they still have enough for every smile ... With cameras. Only hands never smile. Poems. Those who weaves nests here. Even here. Column you see? Well, here, in the midst of all this market, next to the police kiosk? And on it that thread? That's it. "Dear ..., well, where are you now I'll get a fresh rat? ... Come all, try to live in the trash ..." And some fruit theme. May it not only to plant potatoes. This is to devour juicy. Delicate. The most delicious. Mango 10 rupees a piece. I think the picture behind him a portrait of his brother. Well this is the one from which there was one head. Well, the last. On the difficult journey and ne'er labor. Legs photographer. Almost all. In the upper part of it-zakadrennoy angloyazyky young guy takes on the Hasselblad (!) Local salon mobiles. And some practical information: Very slowly traversed the entire Main Bazaar twenty minutes. Crawling - for half an hour. Price for 200-rupee room in a guest can start with 400. Haggle. And so help you Shiva. Do not cry if you can not view kafeshechnom beer. Do not cry tears here pay. Ask about this boy, who brought you the menu. Will pay in rupees, 70-120 per bottle wrapped in something.
She (diarrhea) is also called the "Revenge for the Raj" (Raj Revenge) or Delhi Belli :) funny - I once past this "welcome" slipped. Probably because that immediately went to the local food (omelets with wild of pepper, which was preparing a peasant on the lawn outside the hostel and masala tea)
In our group (student, long ago - 1986/87) bounced all Russian (Moscow and Leningrad) students and trainees, except for me, and slipped all of Tashkent and Dushanbe residents, and I :) Because we ate like you to post about Ethiopian yndzheru. Eat local, eat your spoon or your hand, who cares about hygiene, do not eat where locals eat not, and where n

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