Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Why do not you call yourself a supporter of equality or egalitarians?

Why do not you call yourself a supporter of equality or egalitarians? "Femi" refers to women in the driving priority. How on earth equality can be achieved by running a single-sex issue a priority?
Vesa Hack says, "When the status of women is lower than men's roles, fashion bazaar it needs to be fixed. Similarly, in matters where the men are weaker than women, fashion bazaar the situation needs to be fixed." Just a good principle, but feminists fashion bazaar do not comply with it.
Ovako feminists corrected military service, equality, governance, gender studies, custody, social disadvantage, government transfers, the state used the money be directed to health care, reproductive rights, life expectancy, etc. equality issues?
- Feminists do not want quotas for men or women in high-risk industries dominating the number of sectors. Quotas are only good men for good sectors. "For neither men, even women would want to do low-paid jobs," feminists explain.
Feminist do not want to give men the equal representation of gender equality fashion bazaar unit, based on gender research in a neutral science without ideological starting points, fashion bazaar called mieasasiamiehiä seminars to speak to men in the promotion of equality, give the man agents for equal time to network, share equality in funding equally between the man with the movements, etc.
Although 90 per cent of the facts shows that men are inferior position of women, feminists preach the everlasting and "Patriarchate", or "male privilege." None of the facts are not feminist fashion bazaar heads to turn, because it is the essence of religion-like ideology.
The biggest drawback of inequality now and historically has forced men to protect the other risk of their lives in wars. A man is considered fashion bazaar to be the less valuable member of society, which can be sacrificed on the first sign of danger. Feminists do not even notice the largest in the history of oppression format because fashion bazaar it is not targeted fashion bazaar to women.
Imagine a world where university graduates, with 64 percent of men would be with the health care money would be used 60 per cent more men than women in improving fashion bazaar the health of women would have the obligation to work done under the threat of imprisonment, where women constitute 90 per cent of the homeless, marginalized and prisoners, etc.
Yeah I do not want. What is the blogger is so to speak the language of feminist hijacking of the gender issues in their campaigning to speak because "your armchair" just their termeillään and käsitteillään, or by participating in their language game, which is inherently tuned to lead to certain fashion bazaar types of conclusions that is, the so-called. epäkieltä who is not able to transmit information, but prejudices? Is such a man on the move or in any other of feminism outside body the possibility to make the phenomenon invalid? Is not the reality that sober argumentation is lost in such circumstances, all the debates?
"I hope that the populist rhetoric and a black and white logic of argumentation appears dismantling facilities also less violent sex and become wrapped up, sexuality, ethnicity, and class presentations."
I think they have so far been completely successful in their attempts, or been stabilized their own language of their games as a kind of norm. In a similar way as it used to, and still is today a little of Finland's foreign policy be discussed only in the game by committing to a particular language. My question is whether to display existing plan or strategy specifically for this game against the feminist language, or whether it would be possible to create one?
I do not think you can fight against the misinformation than using your own diksurssiaan that does not bow to the feminist discourse. if you own a discourse becoming more common, first online and then up to the network, the language game may be advantageous to turn to for your self.
In this blog are struggling fashion bazaar to reverse the language of the game and has succeeded in part of the log. When 10 years ago I started to follow the discussions fashion bazaar on gender equality, the feminist dominated almost entirely the truth and find it online conversations on feminist claims without fashion bazaar questioning the truth. Today, at least half of the debate which takes a feminist truths kriitiisesti.
When misinformation is impregnated with the use of the language of everyday speech has become satuilua, and the academic part of a vast majority of the people will support and play such satuilua devoid of any hint of criticism, it is a long journey. fashion bazaar Experience shows that the youth in this way Oriented towards individuals do not just change their habits and beliefs, that after all is a kind of religion.
Is lucid moments humanists and social scientists generation of the input at all possible? I take this position because of doubting lucidity is at no time a large majority believes that an attractive l sexy. But perhaps the future of academic uskomusjärje

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