Monday, October 14, 2013

Lapid told the story of his father, who at age 13 lived in a basement in the ghetto in Budapest as N

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Lapid participated in a conference on Jewish Life and anti-Semitism in Contemporary Europe, hosted by Hungary, the country where his father, former justice minister Tommy Lapid, survived diet tanpa olahraga the Holocaust.
Lapid told the story of his father, who at age 13 lived in a basement in the ghetto in Budapest as Nazis and Hungarian fascists began taking Jews on death marches and shooting them into the Danube River. Tommy Lapid and his mother were sent on a march, and on the way, a Russian diet tanpa olahraga plane passed over them, and the Jews started running away. Germans shot into the air, and Tommy and his mother hid in an outhouse. The march continued without them, but they didn’t know where to go and returned to the ghetto, hoping that the Russians would arrive before the next death march.
Years later, Lapid visited Budapest with his father, who took him to the outhouse and said “this is where I was saved and my Zionism was born, because this is where I understood that there has to be a place I can go to.”
“We were a statistical error. He was supposed to die, and I wasn’t supposed to be born, but we were still there, against all odds, two men who needed to have a place to go to,” Lapid said.
“I’m a guest, and guests aren’t supposed to embarrass their hosts, but it would defeat the purpose of this event if we deny the fact that genocide of this scope could not help without the active help of tens of thousands of Hungarians and without the silence of millions of others,” he said. “There is a stain on the honor of this house. For years, we all tried to ignore the stain, but history taught us that ignoring is the wrong policy.”
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