Thursday, October 17, 2013

Dmitry Klokov - Breakup 2 4 Day - Power snatch 75% of snatch (50 kg) 3 x 5 reps - Snatch high pull

Welcome to my blog! From now on, I share with you in their own and their clients edzéspraktikáit. In addition, you can read what's new, write your own articles vanity fare early in the morning workouts, diet and nutritional supplementation! And of course you can find your motivational pictures and writings or ... So, as they say: STAY TUNED! vanity fare early in the morning
Dmitry Klokov - Breakup 2 4 Day - Power snatch 75% of snatch (50 kg) 3 x 5 reps - Snatch high pull 75% of snatch (50 kg) 3 x 5 reps - Snatch grip push-presses + OHS: 75% of snatch (50 kg ) 5 x 5 +1 reps WOD 15 min AMRAP of - 7 Burpee pull-ups - 7 thrusters (40 kg) - 7 atomic vanity fare early in the morning situp (10kg plate) 6 rounds + 7 reps this week it was the first day, when not training vanity fare early in the morning I felt that while I washed vanity fare early in the morning No. @ r. I listened to the touch and can be easily vanity fare early in the morning locked to the breakups, the winding (high pull) your cunt seemed easy. The wide-grip push-pressure was not a problem and I was all fresh even at the end of the workout. Which in turn encouraged a wod was inducted because crossfitezünk or something. The written coached for wodoo do it to see if they do not (always) but my feet hung off I go. :) I note in parenthesis, vanity fare early in the morning felt that due to weightlifting program less wod-Vapours, it is quite rare effect vanity fare early in the morning felt during the air, and I could not spin it the way I wanted. (As a consolation, however, the thrustereket so b ... tom head over as No. .. ni cat, as they say.)
2013 (39) October (3) September (11) Weightlifting Program: Week no. 2 / Day 3 - 2013 ... Weightlifting Program: Week no. 2 / Day 2 - 2013 ... Weightlifting Program: Week no. 2 / Day 1 - 2013 ... 21/09/2013. Monster Weightlifting WOD program: Week no. 1 / Day 5 - 2013 ... Weightlifting Program: Week no. 2 / Day 4 - 2013 ... Weightlifting vanity fare early in the morning Program: Week no. 1 / Day 4 - 2013 ... Weightlifting Program: Week no. 1 / Day 3 - 2013 ... Weightlifting Program: Week no. 1 / Day 2 - 2013 ... Weightlifting Program: Week no. 1 / Day 1 - 2013 ... Blog reloaded! October (9) October (3) April (9) March (4)
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