Saturday, October 5, 2013

Compulsory reading this topic: Cole, M., Cole SR (1997) Developmental Psychology, Osiris, Budapest,

Notice the picture above (explorer needed!), And even with the Boros bővíthetnénk Csetneky's prison contradictions. There are two moral motivation tight to each other in jail, which seems irresolvable. It may also refer to the institutions of Western society in its entirety crisis.
Compulsory reading this topic: Cole, M., Cole SR (1997) Developmental Psychology, Osiris, Budapest, pp. 584-669. (15 - Chapter 16) Additional mandatory literature is downloadable from here. I Repeat the theme is repeated over the following concepts and previously learned knowledge prior to the topics meditation - Chicago devianciaelméletek: the majority already defines social integration - functional devianciaelméletek: some social phenomena become self - socialization of the personality development of the family and school village without women social functions bound - suicide: adolescents have higher risks - self: balance theory and historical continuity is determined by the social and collective self - information processing mechanism: the prison closed village without women social media - social psychology fundamental experiments: a conformist adulthood basic motivation - bv. pedagogy of rekapitulációról II. Recent knowledge about the topic of Michel Foucault, discipline is interwoven into our society. The individual is the one enclosed space to another in a confined space shall, each with its own law: family, school, military, factory, hospital, prison, etc.. Gilles Deleuze's critique is that we live more in control society, the elite (the corporation) holds the society through the reform of social institutions under constant control. The development of science is to serve the structural change: information technology, genetic engineering and technological research, strengthen village without women control of all of the global system. The social institutions are in crisis. The family is falling apart, the hospitals do not work, the school has more lifelong learning, instead of prisons are becoming more common alternative punishment (eg, house arrest, electronic monitoring). The prison is functional crisis of the drug problem and the mentally ill inmates in the increase as well. Replaced by the re-socialization of reintegration, which serves to further control. The current (2007) children born to crime, village without women punishment and the prison itself is going to make a living in this context. III. . General, adolescence - cognitive village without women social psychological theory of adolescence, a fundamental change in the behavioral, cognitive and emotional level, b, by the view system, peer pressure, and changes in social cognition during adolescence organizational behavior c: -.. Cognitive dissonance refined - the attention fixed bound, the influence of social media Woman - attention is divided: the child more space is able to pay attention - the imitative learning, marked d, increases in peer relationships importance of this börtöngengek of specially significant in this search village without women for identity:.. the Teenager confusing to decide between right and wrong, and therefore the crimes committed until 14-18 years of age and needs to be understood. The conflicting personalities on normal, not unusual, not to cure or treat. ., f and social organization in the social village without women (social engineering), the more energy on young, impressionable more and become interested in politics - it is noted that young offenders are more characteristic of the apolitical. village without women Dangerous it is a matter for individual political views criminalize the democratic foundations called village without women into question, but the political extremes often gengesedéssel related phenomena (see Merton devianciaelméletét!) G. Social control is stronger, using the adolescent symbols, ideas behind the symbols compliant manner aligned (see Asch and Milgram), village without women and then the consumer behavior develops - it is noted that the values set by the consumer village without women society adapt to offenses against young criminals, drug consumption and wealth force, h is the crime of relevance to the teenage years are amplified. The role of taboos - in case of deviant and marginalized groups, this phenomenon is most infectious diseases and abortion problem of shopkeeper moving out of, a very strong sexual desire appearance (social organization, control village without women and taboos) -. known prison phenomenon village without women that at the time of each juvenile detention, village without women incarceration no sexual village without women experience, but sexual desire is present in them, it may feature in jail young gay violence -. historical approach, Rousseau rekapitulációról village without women fundamentally determined by the philosopher's work (. Emile or intelligence village without women agencies or book) correctional education job. The rekapituláció is the re-development, re-enjoyment. village without women Rousseau, the three characteristics of adolescence - instability: the teenager does not want to govern -

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