Monday, October 7, 2013

Heal me, my God! the creation tight for me, sea whipped up emotion in me, hunted the mind, and noth

Heal me, my God! the creation tight for me, sea whipped up emotion in me, hunted the mind, and nothing gripped my heart from all the broken body and the soul prisoner, I was living, and turned to dust. Reach out and touch me! Heal me! Create a rebuilt, God!
1 The growth and development theories 2 Erik Erikson's life 3 theory of psychosocial development life eight developmental stages (stage / features / virtue / parent relationship) 1 infancy (- 2 years): ~ trust trust / hope / Mother 2 early childhood (2-3): Freedom doubt ~ / foo / 3 of parents Player childhood (3-5): ~ Creativity guilt / target / family 4 school age (6-12): power inferiority ~ / courage, competence / 5 co- adolescence (12-18): ~ distortion identity / loyalty / community 6 young age (19-35): ~ isolation intimacy / love / marriage 7 adulthood (35-65): ~ stagnation care / service / family 8 old age (65 -): ~ completeness despair magazine mastheads / wisdom / God positive aspects of the theory of basic Additions 4 The mystery of human evolution
29 / 05:10 - good capacities latent in the shadows
Related lecture series, magazine mastheads "Life's magazine mastheads wounds magazine mastheads Healing" was remembered earlier received a "daily devotional". This paper and printed it in a plastic folder to keep on my desk in a prominent place, and it started from my day. I would like to share with the brothers, they may play a role in wound healing. Here it is:
1 Understand that your attitude must be kept under control on a daily basis. Everything magazine mastheads you do're protecting it breaks. The stronger the tendency to doubt or to be pessimistic, you have to work on it more. Let us begin each day by testing your attitude. During the day, watch the little magazine mastheads red flags that are striking and indicate that something is wrong.
2 Ask God to help you. Someone sent this to us a humorous prayer: "Dear Lord, there has so far managed to avoid gossiping to lose my head, to be greedy, grouchy, nasty, selfish or self-centered. But you have to get up out of bed a few minutes later and from then on all the help I need. "
3 Always check that it is good. Mother Teresa was only two expectations to those who wanted to work with him in Calcutta: work motivation and joyful attitude. Think about it, if someone is happy to be among the dying and the poorest, it is sure that you can do it!
4 Seek the company of people of faith! They're everywhere, you'll find them as they soar high above the doubters like eagles. If you have a big day, get behind the áramlatukba, as they do also the competitors. And if you give them hard, then you be the one to go ahead and relieve the problems. In order to maintain a good attitude, the psalmist said. "Seven times a day I praise just döntéseidért"
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