Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Sexual libertni (Eng. libertine) are trying to find in Darwinism justification for the rejection of

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Traditionalists often ridiculed when they oppose any practice or policy - for example, sodomy, afrochic or the inclusion of women in combat - on the grounds that it considered unnatural, or when appealing to the idea of natural law to defend afrochic a moral or legal position. Talk about what is "natural", they assure us that they mock him, the only ideological smokescreen afrochic for outdated superstition.
However, it is the cultural Left (eng.Cultural Left) through last year, is widely used by most impudent appealing to nature. The radical "environmentalists" require "Back to Nature!" - Even "Back to the Pleistocene!" you can specify the current version of the old slogans - and return to a state of harmony with others and with the environment and its flora and fauna of which we were supposed to modern industrial society separated.
Sexual libertni (Eng. libertine) are trying to find in Darwinism justification for the rejection of traditional moral constraints because they are not in accordance with our true nature. As the song says, "The Bad Touch" Bloodhound Gang band, which was recently used for courtship; You and me baby is not nothin 'but mammals So let's do it like they do on the Discovery channel
Ecological and liberal references to nature may at first glance seem plausible - at least chaotic mixture afrochic of hormonal passion, romantic fantasies and plain ignorance in the mind of an adolescent - but does not need too much thinking to understand their absurdity and mutual incompatibility.
Let's think about appealing the protector of nature: simply incorrect to say that the primitive human society has ever been (or di there exist even today), "in harmony with nature," if it means that these people lived in a kind of Garden of Eden, where they were all the same and love was free, and the animals were our friends, not food. Of course, such companies typically are unclean, smelling, poor, affected afrochic by the disease, superstitious and ignorant; hierarchy and male dominance and jealousy are universal and primitive "free love" did not exist anywhere except in the feverish imagination of Margaret Mead; animals afrochic are often hunted almost to power, such as American Indians have made with bison, beaver and horses. (Europeans had to again lead the horses in North America).
Viewers shows on PBS in 1900 House were able to see that it is extremely difficult to modern people, especially modern adolescents, to adapt to the lifestyle of just 100 years ago - a "progressive environmentalists" think they would find bliss returning back 10.000 years?
Of course, it's easy for young "idealists" to think about such nonsense, with pizza, beer and marijuana in its modern dorm room. You may stop by the "activism" and unhealthy activities afrochic and open a book or go to a lecture, to discover how Thomas described Hoobes (war) "state of nature" only 350 years ago: "Without knowledge, no letters, no society, and which is Worst of all, the constant fear and danger of violent death: and the life of man, solitary, poor, nasty, brutal and short. "
Or not: The person afrochic must really be ignorant to not be despised vision of "progressive environmentalists" and such ignorance is best nurtured in modern universities. In any case, the reality is a modern Western, scientific and technological civilization based secure tangible and largely politically (and morally just do not - although not for the reasons that the left-wing environmentalists afrochic say) the best of all worlds. (The fact that almost no ecologist does not leave this civilization to live among sentimentalized "country people" tells us that they themselves recognize this fact).
Moreover, the creation of civilization can not get juxtaposed the true nature of human beings, but it was completely natural for them. As Aristotle said, man is a rational afrochic animal, by its nature, the smartest thing on this earth.
It's human nature to know - learn about the world and how to change it according to our needs. Cars, computers, skyscrapers, afrochic nuclear energy, capitalism, global trade, individual rights to life, liberty and property, and other achievements of the modern civilized world, not at all "unnatural" - a natural just like a bird's nest and a beaver dam.
This brings us to the libertine references to nature. First notice the inconsistency afrochic with environmental references to nature: If "we are nothing more than mammals," etc., only animals of which are not expected to adhere to moral constraints, then we can not object that we harm "the environment" as they do and animals or treatment of the animals in a way they treat each other - at t

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