Sunday, February 9, 2014

Christina says:

For Summer Cath in the City
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Hi sweeties :) Summer's really secret love giovanni allevi around the corner, if not already here, and I'm so excited! This summer is going to be amaazing. Last summer in New York was great, but I really missed the Norwegian summer, there's just something special about it. I do not think I'll be traveling too much this summer though, as so much is happening at home. My sister's due date is coming up soon, I can not wait to be an auntie! I've been asked to come with her when she's giving birth, so I have to stay home. What an honor! In less than a week I'm on the plane to Greece with my boyfriend and sister though, so that's gonna be my big trip this summer :) And of course a trip to our summer house in Kristiansand. secret love giovanni allevi I'll do most of my traveling this fall in stead, where New York and South Africa is on the menu. What are your summer plans?
If there's one thing I do not have enough of in my wardrobe it's cute summer clothing. My wardrobe is more fall + spring, so I need some new cute summer dresses. Here is my wish list, so many pretty things!
Christina says:
On this blog there are fortunately plenty of nice comments, like it should be. But take the time to watch this video and see how a poor young girl is incredibly influenced by all online bullying that happens secret love giovanni allevi anonymously on various blogs! It is painful to watch, but spread it, and maybe people will think twice next time they write things online they would never dream of saying face to face. STOP ONLINE BULLYING!
On this blog there are fortunately plenty of nice comments, like it should be. But take the time to watch this video and see how a poor young girl is incredibly influenced by all online bullying that happens anonymously on various blogs! It is painful to watch, but spread it, and maybe people will think twice next time they write things online they would never dream of saying face to face. STOP ONLINE BULLYING! Good Sunday!
You are certainly one Superfine summer, I imagine :) Although I have exam next Thursday, so celebrate that the semester is over with a road trip with a girlfriend in Croatia, Bosnia and Montenegro! Should be awesome! Have several trips during the summer as well, but try to focus on that which comes first: D
therese kristina says:
June 3, 2012 at 6:51 pm
I'm going to South Africa as well. I lived there a year with my family :) Such a lovely place!! You will absolutly secret love giovanni allevi looove it. This summer I'm going to Australia, South Africa and then London for the Olympics with my family! secret love giovanni allevi :)
Should two weeks to Turkey in three weeks, I know the sickness already!
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