Tuesday, February 11, 2014

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My Chemical Romance in Oslo spectrum yesterday was cracking! The American supermodels unlimited magazine rock band has a wide range of songs and the audience loved them! There was a girl behind me who screamed so insane that it still beeps in your ear. She could have played fine in a horror movie. The singer actually said that he would never forget this night since the audience was extremely crazy! The drummer was completely raw! My Chemical Romance in Oslo Spektrum last night was awesome! The American rock band has a wide range of songs, and they totally impressed the audience. The lead singer actually said "I will never forget this night" Because of the wild crowd. A girl behind me screamed so intensly, that it's still ringing in my right ear. She Could easily get a role in a horror movie. The drummer was insane!
I wore clothes that I wrote about in my last blog, talks, in addition to rivet bag from Oasis, scarf from Magasin in Copenhagen and jacket supermodels unlimited magazine (around the arm) from the charity supermodels unlimited magazine shop. Red lipstick from Lanvin for H & M. It sits incredibly long time! / I wore the clothes as described in the last blog post, in Addition to a handbag with rivets from Oasis, a scarf from Magasin in Copenhagen and a jacket (around my arm) from charity shops. Red lipstick from Lanvin for H & M. It stays on for a very long time!
Me in clothing as described in the previous blog post + scarf from Magasin in Copenhagen, gloves from Mango, supermodels unlimited magazine bag from Oasis and jacket from charity shops. / Me in clothes supermodels unlimited magazine as described in the last blog post + scarf from Magasin in Copenhagen, gloves from Mango, handbag from Oasis and jacket from charity shops.
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