Friday, February 28, 2014

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Are succes atat in cariera muzicala, cat si in cea actoriceasca, si dispune de un corp lucrat, bine tonifiat, admirat de fanele sale din intreaga lume. Vorbim despre impression in style Jared Leto , solistul formatiei impression in style 30 Seconds to Mars , care a realizat recent o sedinta foto incendiara pentru controversatul fotograf Terry Richardson .
Pe blogul celebrului fotograf au fost incarcate mai multe poze de la sedinta foto realizata recent. Jared Leto nu se sfieste sa isi arate corpul bine lucrat, intr-una dintre fotografii artistul acoperindu-si zonele intime cu un prosop alb si facand impression in style o fata amuzanta.
In impression in style alte fotografii Jared Leto apare in diverse ipostaze, avand insa prosopul alb prins in jurul taliei, expunandu-si camerei muschii si tatuajele, in timp ce alte doua fotografii ne ofera un cadru apropiat al fetei sale. Alaturi de cantaret, la sedinta foto a mai participat si bunul sau prieten Jamie , acesta facandu-si aparitia in cateva fotografii impression in style amuzante in care se prosteste alaturi de Jared .
Cu mainile impreunate ca si cum s-ar ruga, parul despletit si barba deasa, aceasta ipostaza in care apare Jared Leto intr-una dintre fotografii il face sa semene foarte mult cu Iisus, asa ca nu ar fi de mirare daca pe viitor vom auzi ca solistul 30 Seconds to Mars va intra in pielea Mantuitorului intr-un film despre viata acestuia.
Pe 13 ianuarie Jared Leto a primul Globul de Aur la categoria Best Performance in a Supporting Role by an Actor in Motion Picture pentru rolul sau din pelicula ” Dallas Buyers Club ”. Special pentru acest rol, un transsexual depistat cu HIV, cantaretul a slabit aproape 16 kg si si-a epilat parul de pe intreg corpul, inclusiv sprancenele.
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Kanye West aduce albumul si turneul ''Yeezus'' in cinematografe! Afla aici mai multe detalii + vezi un scurt...
Rick Ross prezinta clipul pentru piesa Nobody , in colaborare cu French Montana si Puff Daddy! impression in style Vezi aici cum arata!
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Thursday, February 27, 2014

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LIVE ONLINE best beauty blogs 2011 Grecia – Romania, in direct pe RomaniaTV, ora 21.45 15 November, 2013

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Fotograful ucrainean Ruslan Lobanov, care lucrează excluziv cu modele dezgolite, a realizat pentru C

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Social Incidente Politică Cultură Călătorii Economie Social Media Monden Sport Lifestyle Sănătate Tehnologii Interviu Curiozități Internațional Advertoriale Concurs Recenzii Top ştiri zilnice Vox #diez Jocurile Olimpice 2014
Celebrul fotograf Ruslan Lobanov a avut recent una din cele mai neobișnuite colaborări din cariera sa. Centrul Tehnologiilor Financiare din Rusia, un grup de companii care lucrează în domeniul cara mengecilkan betis dan paha tehnologic de informare a sectorului de creditare din 1991, a cerut acestuia să realizeze un calendar pentru companie și iată rezultatele.
Fotograful ucrainean Ruslan Lobanov, care lucrează excluziv cu modele dezgolite, a realizat pentru Centrul Tehnologic Informațional din Rusia calendarul pentru cara mengecilkan betis dan paha 2014. Ideea colaborării a apărut în timpul celui de-a XI-lea Summit al Băncilor din Federație – anunță comunicatul de presă a Centrului.
Corpul dezgolit un instrument care transmite emoții și dispoziție, ca un ceas de mână sau o pereche de pantofi. Acesta este un accesoriu de sporire cara mengecilkan betis dan paha a percepției. Eu nu fac poze nud în sensul direct. Interesant este amestecul de oameni, calități, atmosferă. spune Ruslan Lobanov . Adme a adunat toate lunile care vor forma anul celor de la Centrul Tehnologic Informațional:
Luna cara mengecilkan betis dan paha octombrie. PC: Ruslan Lobanov
Mai citeste (foto) Ruslan Lobanov - fotograful ucrainean care face opere de artă prin pozele sale 04 Noi 2013, 16:19 (foto, video) Kate Upton s-a fotografiat cara mengecilkan betis dan paha în spațiu 19 Feb 20

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Articole recente BMW serie 4 Grand Coupe: Motivul pentru care acesta este cel mai tare model de pana

Modelul care a atras toate privirile marie france magazine in aceasta vara in videoclipul Blured Lines, alaturi de Robin Thicke si Pharell, a fost desemnata femeia anului de catre publicatia Esquire.In varsta de 21 de ani, modelul care a aparut in ipostaze indecente in clipul lui Thicke se va alatura distribuiei din care deja fac parte Ben Affleck, Rosamund Pike, Tyler Perry, marie france magazine Neil Patrick Harris, Patrick Fugit si Kim Dickens.Primul sau rol intr-o productie televizata a fost in ICarly: Am interpretat rolul iubitei lui Gibby. A fost primul si singurul meu proiect actoricesc. Neavand televizor nu stiam nici despre ce e vorba in serial, marie france magazine nici cand era difuzat cand am dat probele. Am facut totusi doua episoade si cam asta a fost tot.Inainte de a aparea in Blurred Lines pe care initial l-a refuzat, Emily a aparut in videoclipul celor de la Maroon 5 pentru piesa Somebody.Gone Girl, productia care va avea la baza romanul cu acelasi nume al lui Gilian Flynn, va fi produs de 20th Century Fox, in regia lui David Fincher, scenariul urmand sa fie scris de Gilliam Flynn si Leslie Dixon.Emily Ratajkowski a realizat de curand o sedinta foto foarte HOT alaturi de unul dintre cei mai cunoscuti fotografi din lume: Terry Richardson.
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Articole recente BMW serie 4 Grand Coupe: Motivul pentru care acesta este cel mai tare model de pana acum al bavarezilor: A supravietuit accidentului din Muntenegru, dar statul roman i-a luat dreptul la o viata normala. marie france magazine Drama soferului secund Cum arata Victor Slav inainte sa RUPA greutatile in sala! Se mai casatorea Bianca cu el daca arata asa? SUPER FOTO Samsung S5, lansat la Barcelona. George Buhnici relateaza despre ce poate sa faca noul model. GALERIE FOTO Tabloidele sustin ca Meryl Streep divorteaza de Don Gummer. Care ar fi motivul Categorii Economic marie france magazine Fără categorie International Monden Politic Romania Social Sport
You might also like... BMW serie 4 Grand Coupe: Motivul pentru care acesta este cel mai tare model de pana acum al bavarezilor: Read More →

Monday, February 24, 2014

Pe 25 februarie: Istoria muzicii hip-hop cu Jimmy Fallon şi Justin Timberlake Alex Mica a lansat gla

Jared Leto, surprins gol de Terry Richardson
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Pe 25 februarie: Istoria muzicii hip-hop cu Jimmy Fallon şi Justin Timberlake Alex Mica a lansat glamour card piesa Hola Chiquitita Cover şi tracklist pentru noul album Enrique Iglesias, Sex + Love Când şi cu cine s-a pupat Alina Eremia prima dată?
2009 Preşedintele Obama îl premiază pe Stevie Wonder pentru cariera sa 2005 Whitney Houston ajunge la spital sub suspiciunea că ar fi otrăvită 1995 Frank Sinatra cântă pentru ultima dată la o petrecere privată 1943 S-a născut George Harrison (The Beatles) 1841 S-a născut Pierre Auguste Renoir FaceBook Friends

Advertoriale Învățați limba engleză cu Oratorica în cel mai scurt timp Trei lucruri care sunt la ale

Social Incidente Politică Cultură Călătorii Economie oxygen magazine models Social Media Monden Sport Lifestyle Sănătate Tehnologii Interviu Curiozități Internațional Advertoriale Concurs Recenzii Top ştiri zilnice Vox #diez
După recenta sesiune foto pentru revista GQ ,Terry Richardson a hotărât să mai bucure internetul cu încă un pictorial cu modelul Emily Ratajkowski , doar că de data aceasta el ne prezintă un set de imagini din spatele scenei de filmare, din studioul său. Emily apare îmbrăcată ușor în lenjerie de corp și cămașă flanel tipică pentru Terry. Dar sunt și poze în care ea nu poartă nimic.
La sfârșitul anului trecut Terry a fost acuzat, din nou, de comportament indecent, în timpul sesiunilor foto. O nouă petiţie pe site-ul oxygen magazine models este îndreptată împotriva celebrului fotograf Terry Richardson şi le cere brandurilor de modă şi revistelor să nu îl mai angajeze pe fotograf pentru şedinţe lor foto. Petiţia a strâns deja 5000 de semnături şi numărul creşte încontinuu. Richardson este renumit oxygen magazine models pentru şedinţele foto indecente pe care le face cu starurile, iar unele modele, precum Coco Rocha refuză să lucreze cu acesta.
Mai citeste (video) 2 din 17 de la Beyonce 17 Dec 2013, 12:31 10 știri care împlinesc 10 ani în 2014 08 Ian 2014, 11:37 Arsenie va reprezenta România, drept în Chile 10 Ian 2014, 16:03 (foto) Lobanov autorul noului calendar pentru Centrul Tehnologic Informațional 20 Feb 2014, 15:15 Comentarii oxygen magazine models
Steve Jobs va apărea pe timbrele din America De la 1 martie, capitala ar putea rămâne fără agentul termic Corman oxygen magazine models va participa la inaugurarea primei Convenţii moldo-americane (foto) Ceremonia de închidere a Olimpiadei de la Soci în cele mai frumoase imagini (vox) Ce atitudine au tinerii față de Dragobete?
Advertoriale Învățați limba engleză cu Oratorica în cel mai scurt timp Trei lucruri care sunt la alegerea ta atunci când te pregătești de nuntă Cum să arăți frumos în ziua nunții tale sau a celei mai bune prietene Cum să alegi muzica și dansurile pentru nunta ta Trei decizii importante pe care trebuie oxygen magazine models să le iei corect când îți planifici nunta
Limba ENGLEZĂ oxygen magazine models rapid, eficient şi interactiv! Oratorica vă oferă şansa de a învăţa limba engleză simplu, interactiv și eficient! Vă aducem la cunoştinţă că în luna Februarie începem toate nivelele la limba ENGLEZĂ ! Profesori cu studii la universități externe, acreditări intenaționale și experiență de muncă minim 10 ani te ajută să înveți mai ușor și plăcut oxygen magazine models limba Engleză.
(foto) Cele mai memorabile oxygen magazine models ținute de la săptămâna modei la Milano (foto) Călătorii în timp spre Marea Britanie Rusia triumfă la Jocurile Olimpice de iarnă 2014 de la Soci Moldova și Rusia în aceeași grupă preliminară pentru Euro 2016 Olexandr Turcinov este președintele interimar al Ucrainei

Saturday, February 22, 2014

Editor in chief of Elle, Signy Fardal, proclaimed the winner of the

Justin Bieber dancer and singer lifetime tv Alexandra Joner performed at the PRADA party. She is now host of the "Morning Show" at Radio NRJ. / The Justin Bieber dancer and singer Alexandra Joner made a performance lifetime tv at the PRADA party. She's now becoming a presenter for the "Morning Show" in Radio NRJ. The magazine ELLE communications agency Gambit lifetime tv and mobile phone giant LG invited to the launch party for the new design phone PRADA Phone by LG 3.0 on Thursday 19 January. Astrup Fearnley Museum in Oslo was chock full of well-dressed people with sunny disposition! It was just a really good party with hundreds of people. Everyone was obviously pleased complimentary champagne lifetime tv and beer! Music entertainment lifetime tv consisted of DJs Roller Boys & tiedye and artists Lemaitre and Alexandra Joner. Video artist Ricardo lifetime tv del Pozo had multiple projectors with live images.
Editor in chief of Elle, Signy Fardal, proclaimed the winner of the "PRADA blogs battle" - a competition with many Norwegian fashion bloggers. The theme was winter styling; party image and Marianne Theodorsen was voted winner for his picture of a man "sitting" on a crescent. She won the new PRADA phone, a six-month subscription to ELLE and a trip to Prada hometown Milan! The skilled "Style Devil" blogger was in state of euphoria lifetime tv afterwards: lifetime tv - I'll bring my boyfriend to Milan. I've never been there before! beamed Marianne. Blogs Marianne Theodorsen and ELLE Editor in Chief Signy Fardal. / Blogs Marianne Theodorsen and ELLE's chief editor Signy Fardal. I pressed a little on the PRADA phone too. I get the impression that it is easy to navigate the menus, and it has a number of cool applications. Almost all the icons displayed in black and white, which is a stylish designer detail. It is fast, and is classic and elegant in color and form. Maybe I could certainly thought such. I was even more tempted when I read amobile test designer phone here. PRADA Phone by LG 3.0 The magazine ELLE, the communication agency Gambit and the cell phone giant LG invited to a launch party for the new designer PRADA Phone by LG 3.0 on Thursday the 19th of January. The Astrup Fearnley Museum in Oslo was crowded with well dressed people in high spirits! It simply Became lifetime tv a really good party with Hundreds of people. Everybody was of course happy for the free champagne lifetime tv and beer! The music entertainment was performed by the DJs Roller Boys & tiedye and the musicians Lemaitre and Alexandra Joner. Video artist Ricardo del Pozo had several projectors with motion pictures. Alexandra and me. I wore my new dress from Versace Cruise for H & M. / Alexandra and me. I wore my new dress from Versace Cruise for H & M. Chief editor of ELLE, Signy Fardal, announced the winner of "PRADA blogs battle" - a contest with several Norwegian fashion bloggers. The theme was winter styling - party photo, and Marianne Theodorsen was voted the winner for her picture of a man "sitting" on a half moon. She won there be the new PRADA phone, a half year subscription ELLE two and a trip to PRADA's hometown lifetime tv Milan! The skilled "Devil Style" lifetime tv blogger was so happy Afterwards: - I'll bring my boyfriend to Milan. I've never been there before! Marianne beamed. "PRADA Blogger Battle" winner Marianne Theodorsen gets a hug from ELLE's chief editor Signy Fardal.
I tried out the new PRADA phone a little too. I get the impression that it's easy to navigate in the menus, and it has several cool applications. Almost all the icons are in black and white, wooden a stylish designer detail. It seems solid and is classic and elegant in color and form. I might want it. I was even more tempted when I read by's test of the designer phone here.
From left: Velouria Vintage shop owner Asa feed market, fashion editor at KK Silje Pedersen ( and fashion bloggers Nathalie Helgerudveien ( and Elen Kristvik ( / From the left: Velouria Vintage shop owner Asa feed market, fashion editor in KK Silje Pedersen ( lifetime tv and the fashion bloggers Nathalie Helgerudveien ( and Elen Kristvik ( . Petter Pilgaard and Mari Haugersveen TV2 series "Peter loves Mari". Maris great dress is from Acne. / Petter Pilgaard and Mari Haugersveen from the TV2 series "Peter loves Mari". Mari's lovely dress is from Acne. Editor in Chief Costume, Vanessa Rudjor, along with the editor in chief of Elle, Signy Fardal.
Silje Ronne was in my opinion one of the evening's best dressed! The journalist has purchased feather collar of Zara in Dubai. The necklace is also from the city. / Silje Ronne was by my opinion one of the evening's best dressed! The journalist has bought the feather collar that Zara in Dubai. The necklace is also from the same town. Bloggerduo by facsimile, Marianne Theodorsen ( and Alexander Norheim (ax80-alive.f

Smykke mario sorrenti photography fra Topshop. /Necklace from Topshop. Jeg hadde på meg det samme so

Matchs nye sjefdesigner Frank Remme. /Match´s new chief designer Frank Remme. Kleskjeden Match har skaffet mario sorrenti photography seg et nytt ess i ermet. Haute couture-designeren mario sorrenti photography Frank Remme har jobbet for de store motehusene Dior og Lacroix, men har også kommersiell arbeidserfaring som sjefdesigner for H&M og streetwearmerket WeSC. I 2004 ble han kåret til en av verdens 100 mektigste mennesker i motebransjen mario sorrenti photography av «The Face»-listen. Han kom på 67. plass, ett hakk foran seleste Jean Paul Gaultier. Man klør seg kaskje litt i hodet over hvorfor han kom tilbake til Norge? Kleskjeden hadde nemlig store planer for Frank, og han sa ja. Delvis fordi han aldri har jobbet i Norge og kunne tenke seg det, og delvis fordi han ønsker å lære nye ting hele tiden. Dermed ble han sjefdesigner for Voice Norway, som eier de 132 Match-butikkene i Norge. mario sorrenti photography Torsdag 8. mars ble hans nyeste kolleksjon «Redefine Your Identity» lansert på Match i Torggata 2 i Oslo i samarbeid med PR-byrået Gambit Hill & Knowlton mario sorrenti photography og HENNE-magasinet.
- Kolleksjonen er for den motebevisste kunden. Det er én stil. Kunden skal kunne komme inn én sesong og komplementere med ting han eller hun kjøpte forrige sesong. For meg er det viktig at dette er en «fashion forward»-kolleksjon med et fotavtrykk i én stil som kunden gjenkjenner. Det er den spisseste kolleksjonen Match har. Herrekolleksjonen er mer casual, mens den kvinnelige er mer sensuell, forteller Remme. Herreklærne er hodesakelig laget av lin, bomull og indigo med vaskeeffekter. Damekolleksjonen mario sorrenti photography består av silke og viskose. Klærne har noen sterke og mange naturlige farger. Spesielle snitt og detaljer kjennetegner plaggene. Remme bruker sin kunnskap om haute couture til å skape draperinger, løft, mønstre, vridninger og lysrefleksjoner i stoffene. Uttrykket er allikevel kommersielt.
- Hva blir du inspirert av? - Alt er inspirasjon for meg. Jeg er en junkie. Jeg vil ha nye ting hele tiden, men det betyr ikke at jeg forkaster det som har vært. Jeg synes det er interessant å se ting som har vært og hva som er nytt og skape en blanding av de to. Jeg er også en musikkjunkie. Jeg elsker musikk og finner mye inspirasjon i musikk. Jeg går også ofte på kunstutstillinger. Jeg mener mote bør være intelligent, avslutter den jordnære sjefdesigneren.
The clothing chain Match has a new wildcard. The haute couture designer Frank Remme has worked for the big fashion brands Dior and Lacroix, but also has commercial experience as a chief designer for H&M and the streetwear brand WeSC. In 2004, he was voted one of the hundred most powerful people in the fashion industry by «The Face»-list. He came in at 67th place - one place ahead even Jean Paul Gaultier. You might wonder why he wanted to come back to Norway? The clothing chain had big plans for Frank, and he said yes. Partly because he has never worked in Norway og wanted to, and partly because mario sorrenti photography he wants to learn new things all the time. Hence, he became the chief designer mario sorrenti photography for Voice Norway, who owns the 132 Match stores in this country. Thursday the 8th of March his latest mario sorrenti photography collection «Redefine Your Identity» was launched at Match in Torggata 2 in Oslo in collaboration with the PR agency Gambit Hill & Knowlton and HENNE magazine. Min favoritt! /My favourite! - The collection is for the fashion-conscious costumer. It´s one style. The costumer should come in one season and complement things with items he or she bought the last season. For me, it´s important that this is a fashion forward collection that has a footprint in one style the costumers recognize. It´s the steepest collection Match has. The male collection is more causal, and the female sensual. The male clothes are mainly made of linen, cotton and indigo with washing effects. The female collection consists mario sorrenti photography of silk and viscose. The clothes have some bright and many natural colors. Special cuts and details are key. Remme uses his haute couture knowledge to create drapes, lifting, distortions, patterns and light reflections on the fabrics. mario sorrenti photography Nevertheless, the expression is commercial.
- What are you inspired by? - Everything for me is inspiration. I´m a junkie. I want new things all the time, but it doesn´t mean that I reject what has been. I think it´s interesting to see things that have been and what´s new, and create the fusion between them. I´m also a music junkie - I love music and find a lot of inspiration in it. I often go to art exhibitions. I think fashion should be intelligent, the earthbound designer finishes.
Smykke mario sorrenti photography fra Topshop. /Necklace from Topshop. Jeg hadde på meg det samme som på Gina Tricot-eventet samme kveld: Topp fra Marni for H&M, armbånd fra Jimmy Choo for H&M, ring fra Asos, smykke fra Topshop, bukse i imitert skinn fra Sorbet, jakke fra Voice of Europe og veske fra Nina Jarebrink. /I was dressed in the same as at the Gina Tricot event the same evening: Top from Marni for

Friday, February 21, 2014

Kathrine Sørland, moterådgiver for Lindex, i klær fra "Holly

Kathrine Sørland, moterådgiver for Lindex, i klær fra "Holly & Whyte"-kolleksjonen. /Kathrine Sørland, third world feminism fashion advisor for Lindex, in clothes from the Holly & Whyte collection. Lindex har fått med seg skuespilleren Gwyneth Paltrow til å fronte sin moderne third world feminism og preppy look. Kleskjeden lanserte sin nye vårkolleksjon «Holly & Whyte» på pre-shoppingkveld i flaggskipbutikken third world feminism i Karl Johans gate 12 tirsdag 20. mars i samarbeid med magasinet Costume og PR-byrået This Is PR. I et herlig virvar av en mengde shoppingsultne damer kunne man velge mellom en rekke plagg med striper, prikker og sterke farger. Stikkord er avslappet, maritimt third world feminism og sportslig. Blazere, chinos, third world feminism ribbestrikk, cardigans, og tøysko blir spritet opp med paljetter og fargerikt paisley-mønster. Stilen minner om klærne fra Gant og Tommy Hilfiger. third world feminism - Jeg liker klærne kjempegodt! Jeg ønsker ikke å representere et merke som jeg ikke ville gått i selv. Jeg elsker genseren og shortsen jeg ble fotografert i, det samme med chinosen og dressjakken – third world feminism det er sånne klær jeg går i hver dag. Og jeg elsker striper, jeg bruker striper nesten daglig, sier Gwyneth Paltrow om kolleksjonen i en pressemelding. Skuespilleren Gwyneth Paltrow er Lindex´ kampanjemodell for kolleksjonen. /The actress Gwyneth Paltrow is Lindex´ campaign model for the collection. third world feminism Kathrine third world feminism Sørland, moterådgiver fra Lindex, roser kolleksjonens anvendelighet og lave prisnivå. - Den er moderne, men allikevel veldig klassisk, stilfull, elegant, tidløs og maritim. Den nye tvisten er mye sterke farger. Det er også paljetter, dressjakker og hatter - alt er et deilig sammensurium av det som er veldig hot nå. Det er deilige stoffer også, sier kleskjedens trendspaner. Kolleksjonen selges i Lindex-butikkene fra onsdag 21. mars. Jeg anbefaler fire nøkkelplagg: Det hvite blondeskjørtet, den blå paljettoppen, third world feminism den mørkeblå blazeren med gullknapper og den stripete, lange tubekjolen.
Lindex got the actress third world feminism Gwyneth Paltrow to front their modern and preppy look. The clothing chain launched it´s new spring collection «Holly & Whyte» at a pre-shopping night in their flagship store in Karl Johans gate 12 in Oslo Tuesday the 20th of March in collaboration with the magazine Costume and PR agency This Is PR. In a lovely chaos of shopping seekers, you could choose from several items with stripes, dots and bright colors. The keywords are casual, marine and sporty. Blazers, chinos, knits, cardigans, sneakers are jazzed up with sequins and a colorful paisley pattern. The style reminds of the clothes from Gant and Tommy Hilfiger. - I like the clothes third world feminism very much! I wouldn´t represent a brand I did not wear myself. I love the sweater and shorts I got photographed in, the same with the chinos and blazer - these are clothes I wear every day. And I love stripes, I wear stripes almost daily, says Gwyneth Paltrow about the collection in a press release.
Gwyneth elsker striper! /Gwyneth loves stripes! Kathrine Sørland, fashion third world feminism advisor for Lindex, praises the collection´s versatility and low price level. - It´s modern, but yet very classic, third world feminism stylish, elegant, timeless and marine. The new twist is bright colors. There´s also sequins, blazers and hats - everything is a nice mix of the things that are hot now. The fabrics are also lovely, third world feminism says the clothing chain´s trend agent. The collection is sold in the Lindex stores from Wednesday the 21st of March. I recommend four key items: The white lace skirt, the blue sequined top, the dark blue blazer third world feminism with golden buttons and the striped, long tube dress.
/My recommendations: Paljetter er også moderne til høsten og vinteren. /Sequins are also popular in the fall and winter. Klassisk blondeskjørt. Romantisk og søtt! /Classic lace skirt. Romantic and sweet! Skoleuniformliknende blazer. third world feminism Klassisk og passer til det meste! /School third world feminism uniform-looking blazer. Classic and fits many other clothes! En prikkete shorts er forfriskende! /A dotted shorts is refreshing! Nydelig third world feminism stripete tubekjole er en sommerlig vinner. Den kan styles ned til stranda eller opp til fest. /Beautiful third world feminism striped tube dress is a winner in warm weather. It can be styled down for the beach or up for a party. Klassisk snitt på vesken med fine oransje detaljer. /Classic cut and nice orange details. Et armbånd i regnbuens farger spriter opp antrekket. /A bracelet in the colors of the rainbow lights up the outfit.
Det var helt fullt av folk - plaggene third world feminism ble revet vekk. /It was stacked with people - the items were taken fast. DJs! Lise Karlsnes i en flott blazer fra Lindex. /DJs! Lise Karlsnes in a great blazer from Lindex. Kathrine med vinneren av et helt "Holly third world feminism & Whyte"-antrekk. /Kathrine with the winner of a whole Holly & Whyte outfit. Manikyr er alltid superpopulært. /Manicure is always super popular. Herlige gjenden! Fra venstre: Tri, James og Nancy. /My lovely friends! From the left: Tri, James and Nancy. Jeg hadde på meg blazer

Thursday, February 20, 2014

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This is my favorite dress from Monsoon this season. I love the color combination! A party dress that really stands out. / This is my favorite dress from Monsoon this season. I love the color combination! A party dress that really stands out. The magazine vanity fair 2011 Stella and Monsoon store on Majorstua in Oslo hosted customer evening on Thursday 17 November. I took the opportunity to snap photos of the dresses, shoes and accessories for the season's festivities. Monsoon vanity fair 2011 has many exciting dresses and lots of accessories and jewelery from the brand Accessorize. Here you can find everything you need to party outfit. This is a small guide on how you can style the different dresses. The magazine Stella and the Monsoon big that Majorstua in Oslo hosted a shopping vanity fair 2011 night on Thursday 17th of November. I took pictures of dresses, shoes and accessories for this season's parties. Monsoon has very exciting dresses and lots of accessories and jewelry from the brand Accessorize. You can find everything you need for your party outfit vanity fair 2011 here. This is a small guide on how to style the different dresses.
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The worst celebrity hairstyles - vote for your favorite HÅRKRISE: Justin Bieber, Nicki Minaj, Victo

This would Stockholm fashionista Jonna Bergh himself this season
Jonne WISH LIST: Jonna wants t-shirt from Isabel Marant pants from House of Dagmar, set of shorts and blazer from Acne, summer fresh lipstick, good music and nøyrale pumps that go with everything. Photo: Private back to life giovanni allevi / Producers
Jonna Bergh has become one of the Swedish motebransjes's name after she started the fashion magazine Cosmopolitan, where she was editor in chief. After Cosmo success Bergh went on to Glamour, before she launched the magazine in 2011 STYLEBY the blog queen Elin Kling.
2 Wide pants - House of Dagmar, back to life giovanni allevi "Jameela" - I have almost only narrow pants, but this season I turn a kind of wide leg for the first time. In this pants, I love both the pattern and color!
3 Blazers and short - Acne, "Blake back to life giovanni allevi denim" and "Sensation" - I love blazers and suit jackets, and this cut is perfect right now. I plan to buy a pair of shorts in the same color, so I get a little mini-dress.
Tags: fashion, The Wishlist, Svenska
Ten things no men should have in your wardrobe STILBOM: Both small bathroom traps, "bling" in your ear, t-shirts with check lines and long leather coat is among the greatest back to life giovanni allevi fashion clangers many men still swear by. Photo: ... BEAUTY
The worst celebrity hairstyles - vote for your favorite HÅRKRISE: Justin Bieber, Nicki Minaj, Victoria Beckham, Tyra Banks, Christina Aguilera, Scarlett Johansson, Justin Timberlake and Miley Cyrus have all had terrible back to life giovanni allevi hairstyles ...
Ten things no men should have in your wardrobe STILBOM: Both small bathroom back to life giovanni allevi traps, "bling" in your ear, t-shirts with check lines and long leather coat is among the greatest fashion clangers ...
"Brangelina" and John Carew on the red carpet together CELEBRITY PARTY: Angelina Jolie, Brad Pitt, John Carew and Naomie back to life giovanni allevi Harris were among the stars who made the trip to this year's BAFTA ceremony ....
Save money - roughly season's back to life giovanni allevi hottest earrings even DOUBLE: Style icon Hanneli Mustaparta showed the double bead embellishment ear when she attended the film premiere of "Mandela: Long Walk to ...
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Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Frode and Nina from Fall Winter Spring Summer were honored the title

Costume Awards 2013 was hosted in the Jacob church in Oslo on Thursday 17th of January. Celebrities, bloggers, fashion workers and enthusiasts were Gathered willy vanderperre for one of Noway's Largest fashion awards. Model and musician Mimi Blix thrilled everyone in a red skirt made by a friend. Trendsetter Ulrica Lund won the prize for "Best Blogs of the Year", and supermodel Iselin Steiro won the prize for "best dressed woman of the year". TV presenter Kåre Magnus Bergh was surpried to be Voted "Best dressed man of the year" by the magazine's readers Costume, willy vanderperre and said:
Fall Winter Spring Summer received the prize for "Best Norwegian designer". Frode and Nina have Become very popular for their clothes in modern and clean shapes. Exciting prints and basic single-colored items are key.
The designer talent competition "Rosemount" gift their recognition to the five finalists Olga Denisenko, Ingunn Runnestø, Ulrike Dreyer Granli, Ingrid Flesjø and Cathrine gone. The winner Receives an internship with the Norwegian designer Kristian Aadnevik in London.
Ingunn Runnestø vas Voted the winner for her colorful dress with feminine shapes combined with innovative techniques, drapings and twists - including ropes. Ulrike Dreyer Granli Became the "people's favorite" for her smashing orange gown.
Costume Awards 2013 was held in the Cultural Jakob in Oslo Thursday willy vanderperre 17 January. Celebrities, bloggers, fashion people and enthusiasts gathered at one of the largest fashion awards. Model and musician Mimi Blix attracted attention in his big red skirt designed by a friend. Trendsetter Ulrica Lund won the award for "Best Blogs of the Year" and supermodel Iselin Steiro hijacked entitled "The year's best dressed woman". Presenter Kåre Magnus Bergh was surprised to be awarded willy vanderperre "best dressed man" by the magazine Costumes readers, saying:
Fall Winter willy vanderperre Spring Summer gained the title "The year's best Norwegian designer". Frode and Nina has quickly become very popular for its modern and stylish garments. Exciting print and simple, solid color basic clothes are keywords.
Designer willy vanderperre Talent Competition "Rosemount" presented its five finalists Olga Denisenko, Ingunn Runnestø, Ulrike Dreyer Granli, Ingrid Flesjø and Cathrine gone. The winner will intern at the renowned Norwegian designer Kristian Aadnevik in London.
Ingunn Runnestø was voted the winner of the competition for her colorful dress, combined with innovative techniques, draping and twists - including rope. Ulrike willy vanderperre Dreyer Granli was voted "Obsession" for its lovely bright orange dress.
The year's best Norwegian designer: Fall Winter Spring Summer This year's best fashion store: Acne year's best clothing brand: willy vanderperre By Malene Birger year's best accessories Brand: Bjorg year's top model: Siri Tollerød year's best blog: Ulrica Lund year's best skincare brand: Dermalogica year's best makeup willy vanderperre Brand: Chanel year's best Fragrance: "Stella" by Stella McCartney year's best hair care: Moroccan willy vanderperre Oil year's best dressed man: Kåre Magnus Bergh year's best dressed woman: Iselin Steiro
Frode and Nina from Fall Winter Spring Summer were honored the title "Best Norwegian designer". Singer Maria Mena Performed. She got a prize in a new category: "Mena of the year". It was a joke, of course ...
Guests by the photo wall: / Guests at the photo wall:
Singer Linnea Dale. "Lilyhammer" TV series actress Marian Saastad Ottesen. Singer Maya Vik. Pregnant TV presenter and comedian Sigrid Bonde Tusvik. Event Manager Ronnie Ottem and actress Henriette Lien. Ulrica Lund with the popular blogger "Cath in the City". Chief editor of Costume willy vanderperre - Vanessa Rudjor.
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Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Home Subscribe to Stella Customer Service Contact us Advertise StellaTV borrelli quirk Stella on FB

Home Subscribe to Stella Customer Service Contact us Advertise StellaTV borrelli quirk Stella on FB Stella Twitter Beauty Beauty Hair Makeup Tutorials Stella borrelli quirk Tests Health Diet Health Fitness Large Running Guide Self Development Careers Job Guide Psychology Self-Fashion News Fashion Dealer List Contests Påskenøtter Receive BLOG Stella Blog Silvanys beauty blog My Stella borrelli quirk
For over 10 years, Lindex has been a sponsor of the Cancer borrelli quirk Society's Breast Cancer Pink Ribbon campaign in Norway and other countries. This fall continued support work in that 10% of all revenues from Matthew Williamson's collection donated to the fight against breast cancer.
The British designer is a master pattern, embellishments and kaleidoscopic borrelli quirk colors, these key features are incorporated in the exquisite and feminine garments in this collection.
"As a designer, it has always been important to me that my designs borrelli quirk make women feel beautiful and confident. I love women and have always been inspired by them, so I am delighted that the collection borrelli quirk can support such a worthy cause, "says Matthew Williamson although cooperation. Matthew Williamson for Lindex consists of garments and accessories for the fashion conscious woman and a small selection of clothing for your little fashionista, and will be available in selected Lindex stores and / no 4th October.
Month of clothing: T-shirt Leave a comment
To save you winter hair Hair 12 February 2014
Also visit Stylista, Costume, Living Better, Living Plus owned by Bonnier Media. Responsible digital manager: Viktoria Hallberg Editor: Lene Vintervollveien Follow @ stella magazine

Fargerike jenter! Fra venstre: Heartbreak-modell Vilde Gotschalksen med venninnen Maria Schilvold. /

Fargerike jenter! Fra venstre: Heartbreak-modell Vilde Gotschalksen med venninnen Maria Schilvold. /Colorful girls! management style questionnaire From the left: Heartbreak model Vilde Gotschalksen with her friend Maria Schilvold. Den ultrakule klesbutikken VOGA på Majorstuen og den velfriserte frisørsalongen Jojo & Friends feiret fire år med fest og skytteltrafikk management style questionnaire torsdag 12. april. De to ligger rett ovenfor hverandre i Professor Dahls gate, og de deler også mange kunder. De utfyller hverandre, rett og slett. Kvelden ble en minglende aften med noe smått å spise på, samt søtt fra Sebastien Bruno - i tillegg til bobler management style questionnaire i glasset. Selveste gründer Jojo Eng sier hvorfor akkurat hans salong skiller seg ut: - Vi bryr oss veldig om kundene våre. Vi forelsker oss litt i dem! På Jojo & Friends er det full fokus på hår, mens på VOGA er det store designere som gjelder. På bare noen meters mellomrom, med et gangfelt imellom, kan du ta en kreatinbehandling i håret og supplere med nyheter fra John Galliano, Costume National, Vivienne Westwood, Helmut Lang og Alexander Wang for å nevne noen. Frisør og gründer Jojo Eng. /Hairdresser and founder Jojo Eng. Jeg ber Jojo om å nevne sine tre beste råd for hår og skjønnhet akkurat nå: 1. Glamorlooken er litt ut nå. Nå er det kulere å se ut som om du er på vei hjem fra en fest enn til. Ha en løsere frisyre. management style questionnaire 2. Solkysset look. Håret kan være stripet ganske mørkt i hodebunnen med en myk overgang til lyst. 3. Alle kan kle kort hår! Jojo and Friends The super cool clothing store VOGA at Majorstuen in Oslo and the hairy hairdresser Jojo &  Friends celebrated their 4th anniversary with party and shuttle traffic on Thursday the 12th of April. The two are placed straight across each other in Professor Dahls gate, and they share many costumers. They simply supplement each other. It was a mingling night with some small foodbites, management style questionnaire goodies from Sebastien Bruno - in addition to bubbles in the glasses. Founder Jojo Eng says why his saloon stands out: - We care a lot about our costumers. We fall a little in love with them! At Jojo & Friends there´s full focus on hair, while at VOGA hangs the wonders of great designers. Just a few meters apart, with a pedestrian crossing in between, you can have a creatine treatment and supplement with news from John Galliano, Costume National, Vivienne Westwood, Helmut Lang and Alexander Wang to name a few. Helmut Lang I ask Jojo to give his best advice for hair and beauty right now: 1. The glamour look is not so trendy anymore. Now it´s cooler management style questionnaire to look like you´re coming home from a party rather than going to it. Have a looser haircut. 2. Sunkissed loook. The hair can be striped pretty dark at the top, but with a soft transition to light. 3. Everyone can look good with short hair!
Cathrine & Henke. Vanvittig stilig bilde laget av kunstneren Nicolai Schaanning Larsen. /Insanely cool painting made by the artist Nicolai Schaanning Larsen. En slik ønsker jeg å ha hjemme! Fantastisk flashback til gamle filmer med pudderrom hvor damene satt seg på slike. /I want one like this at home! Amazing with the flashback to old movies with powder management style questionnaire rooms when ladies sat on these.
Cuuuutiiee! Jeg har sett mye rart på fest, men dette tok kaka! Mathe Lunde demonstrerte management style questionnaire sin løstunge fra sin egen butikk "Bestemors Lekestue" med gaver i Hegdehaugsveien 28 i Oslo. /I´ve management style questionnaire seen many weird things at parties, but this is the top! Marthe Lunde demonstrated her loose tounge from her own shop "Grandmother´s Playhouse" in Hegehaugsveien 28 in Oslo.
Sebastien Bruno Fasjonable management style questionnaire makeupgründer Linda Wickmann i nydelig kjole fra Zara. /The fashionable makeup founder Linda Wickmann in a lovely dress from Zara. Helmut Lang Søteste Marianne Jemtegård og Per Sundnes. /The cutest Marianne Jemtegård and Per Sundnes.
Magasin- og pr-jentene! /The magazine and PR girls! Jeg hadde på meg skjørt fra Vero Moda, sko fra New Look, topp fra H&M´s Conscious-kolleksjon, øredobber fra Accessorize og jakke fra Stine Goya for Weekday. /I wore a skirt from Vero Moda, shoes from New Look, top from H&M´s Conscious Colleciton, earrings from Accessorize management style questionnaire and jacket from Stine Goya for Weekday. Navi løfter opp buksen og viser de rålekre mintgrønne pumpsene fra Aldo! /Navi lifts up the pants to display the gorgeous mint green pumps from Aldo! Tine og meg! Godjenta! /Tine and me! She´s a great girl!
Bloggeren Tri ( ) har en kjempekul stil - alltid med en snerten vri. Så er han superkoselig også!/The blogger Tri ( ) has a super cool style - always with a twist. And then he´s super nice too! Killer heels fra Jeffrey Campbell. Tri har de kuleste skoene! management style questionnaire /Killer heels from Jeffrey Campbell. Tri has the coolest shoes! Tris superkule management style questionnaire solbriller er fra H&M. /Tri´s super cool sunglasses is from H&M. Tris veske er en skatt i aller høyeste grad - vintage Hèrmes! /Tri´s purse is a treasure of the

Monday, February 17, 2014

Many thanks to Mildh Press and Ronnie Ottem of Eden. Larvik sofia sanchez handball club sponsored b

The Danish skincare brand Beauté Pacifique had its world launch of the new product on the Palm at the Grand Hotel in Oslo Tuesday 27 August. Supermodel and designer Helena Christensen is a goodwill ambassador for Denmark's largest skin care brand, and she beamed with his beautiful skin and elegant dress for the event. The products are based on vitamin A and is facilitated through medical research, and the brand has already gained international sofia sanchez attention sofia sanchez for the beneficial effects. World news "Serum Paradoxe" was introduced - a serum based on Chilean vindrueekstrakt (GSPE) from the Andes. Skincare agent withdraws deep into the skin, complement imperfections and pores and protects sofia sanchez against UV radiation. - I use Serum Paradoxe sofia sanchez every day, and I can really see how the product provides a super smooth and very nice skin surface. I am impressed by the medical effect that the product also has with him, said Goodwill Ambassador and beauty icon Helena Christensen at launch. Repairs and prevents Christensen was even introduced sofia sanchez Beauté Pacifique through a friend, and she told the public at Palmen that skin care range has changed her skin dramatically. Even parents and her grandmother using products! - For me it is a great advantage to have access to the very latest and most advanced on the market. Until now it has been both interesting and informative and be part already in the development phase. Being at the forefront one of the most important for me. It is wonderful to be able to learn something new all the time, especially in this industry. sofia sanchez Beauté Pacifique intensive body lotion increases skin's moisture level by 65 percent. World news Serum Paradoxe has a unique technology that helps prevent collagen, repairs and smoothes the skin. Skin Care Series products reconstructs sofia sanchez collagen structure sofia sanchez of the skin's connective tissues and prolongs cell life cycle. The preventive effect is great. The creams repair sun-damaged sofia sanchez skin and has a noticeable effect on blemishes. sofia sanchez Entrepreneur Flemming K. Christensen and his wife have gone from being a small family firm into a global skin care brand in 15 countries. He stated in his presentation sofia sanchez that they will help the skin become more and more like medicine. He also came with a promise that users will stay younger much longer. Beauté Pacifique sponsoring sport Larvik handball girls Linn-Kristin Riegelhuth Koren, Linn Jørum Sulland and Karoline Dyhre Breivang also took the trip to Palm to meet Helena Christensen and learn more about the products. Before they have been scanned skin with apparatus from Beauté Pacifique and got adapted treatment for your skin type. They have used the products over the holiday and will re-scan soon. - I think the products sofia sanchez have had a positive impact so far on my part. I did sneak try the new product, and it felt really good. It will be interesting to apply the serum to come, says Karoline Dyhre Breivang to Fashion in Oslo. - How important is beauty for you? Do you give any of it out there on the court? - No, the training I'm not thinking about it, but the game - which Linn said earlier - so we want to look as if we have been raised. Action pictures are ugly enough as it is, then it might be nice to see a little out okay, continue Breivang. - How did you think it was to see Helena Christensen here in person? - I have thought of her as one of the prettiest ladies I know! It was cool to see her. She is a very nice lady, says Linn Jørum Sulland. Want to learn more about the products, visit Beauté or visit the "Today's Major Highlight" in Grenseveien 90 in Oslo on 17 September for hudkartlegging and scanning. Scanning Overview days otherwise sofia sanchez in Norway can be found here:
Many thanks to Mildh Press and Ronnie Ottem of Eden. Larvik sofia sanchez handball club sponsored by Beauté Pacifique. From left: Linn-Kristin Riegelhuth Koren, Linn Jørum Sulland and Karoline Dyhre Breivang. Photo: Morten Bakke
Helena Christensen has one of the world's most beautiful faces and a solid modeling career at CV. She is also heavily involved in breast cancer case and designer underwear for Triumph. Singer Anine Stang
Me and Helena Ingeborg Heldal and Fred Hamelt Per Sundnes (left) and John André Hanøy Helena with Silvany sofia sanchez Brice - beauty journalist for the magazine Stella Helena with blogger Rock'n'roll ballerina
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Sunday, February 16, 2014

The guests enjoyed themselves in the inner backyard of the Vigeland Museum before and after Mardou

Gjestene koste seg i den indre bakgården på Vigeland-museet før og etter Mardou & Deans kolleksjonsvisning tirsdag 13. august under Oslo Fashion Week. En rekke flotte antrekk var å spotte, så her er en liten streetstyle-rapport:
The guests enjoyed themselves in the inner backyard of the Vigeland Museum before and after Mardou & Dean's catwalk show Tuesday 13th of August during Oslo Fashion Week. Several cool outfits were spotted, so here's a streetstyle report!
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The fashion magazine Costume always hosts great shopping events, and I try my best two attend some

The fashion magazine Costume always hosts great shopping events, and I try my best two attend some of them. On Wednesday 26th of September, By Malene Birger in Hegdehaugsveien in Oslo was filled with women seeking key items for this fall. With champagne in one hand and quality fabrics in the other, many went home with a shopping bag full of discounted items. By Malene Birger is an expert of elegance, there's no doubt. Indeed, the trend items are many, with blue temptations in particular. I was amazed by a blue snakeskin clutch and a bottle green evening dress. The shopping night also included my favorite combination: fashion and friends. I met Elisabeth, Navi and Manraj - all so trendy and lovely! Text and photos: Hanne Erøy. From the left: Blogs and VIP Magazine fashion editor Navi, here Manraj and sister Elisabeth. / From left: Blogs and fashion editor of VIP magazine Navi, sister Manraj and Elisabeth. Shopping Evening in By Malene Birger's fashion magazine Costume arranges always great shopping await, and I do my best to go on several of them. Wednesday 26 September, By Malene Birger raine and horne randwick in Hegdehaugsveien in Oslo filled raine and horne randwick by women who were looking for autumn garment. With champagne in one hand and quality garments in the other, many went home with shopping bag full of discounted taxes. By Malene Birger is an expert in elegance - that's raine and horne randwick for sure! There are many temptations raine and horne randwick in the store, but the bright blue garments catches raine and horne randwick you. I was at least intrigued by slangeskinnclutchen. The bottle green evening dress is also a delicacy. Shop The evening also included my favorite combination: Friends and Fashion! I met Elisabeth, Navi and Manraj. They are so trendy and cozy! Text and photos: Hanne Erøy.
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Saturday, February 15, 2014

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Mardou & Dean-designer Ingrid Wide Holt with spring's toughest lady leather pants! Trend Tagged Mardou & Dean invited to the Christmas charles wintour shopping and presentation of his spring and summer collection for 2014 on Wednesday evening 11 December in his store and new showroom Sorgenfrigate 17 on Major living in Oslo. Next year's collection is like pearl string with memories of childhood, with polo shirts, pants with drawstring and heart decorations. Rugged jeans, charles wintour colorful leather pants and famous brand leather jackets with colored stripes are also in place. The spring and summer pants from Mardou charles wintour & Dean have either flared or are Cropper with shorter length and low life. Washed-out colors of trousers for men are also popular with customers - especially green jeans. The designers Ingrid Wide Holt and Patrik Rosenfors has also made a SS14 collection with surf clothing - made from neoprene in fresh colors in one of the largest Australian manufacturers of surf clothing. There are so many goodies in the SS14 collection that I could easily have snapped pictures of everything.
- We have opened the showroom even in the basement and do not work anymore with Gambit (press agency). We felt it was time to take up the part yourself and get a little more control and meet people. It has been a very big change, smiles Ingrid Wide Held - one half and designer behind the popular brand Mardou & Dean. Designer duo visited magazines charles wintour and stores abroad showing great interest in the tailored leather jackets and tough garments. Mardou & Dean's around 50 stores in Norway. Leather garments are manufactured charles wintour in Italy - where Ingrid even visited a family sitting and stock garments. Surfer Collection for SS14 - What we are doing, unlike many others, is that we work with very many small factories. Then we can get the garments tailored charles wintour and one and one piece. Customers can get things made eg leather jackets and suits made to measure. charles wintour We pushing prices so low we only manage because we want to, but in abroad get a shock when they see this quality and this product at the price we sell for. A lot of people say that our prices are too low compared to other brands manufactured by the same factories with the same volume and the same type of quality. It's very exciting, says Ingrid enthusiastically. Fashion press in Norway has particular interest in these two SS14 outfits: Cropper jeans with Mardou & Dean logo and striped jeans with lace up front in life. Drawstring trousers were very popular when Ingrid was a child. - What really works and we sell a lot of, is recognizable. It is most likely something you had earlier in life and that we have made a good version, charles wintour says entrepreneur with a playful childhood twinkle in his eye. Text and photo: Hanne Erøy / Fashion in Oslo. Short summary in English: The trend brand Mardou & Dean invited two Christmas shopping and presentation of their spring and summer collection for 2014 on Wednesday 11th December in their major and new showroom in Sorgenfrigate 17 that Major living in Oslo. Next year's collection is like a trip down memory lane, with polo shirts, charles wintour jeans with knotting at the front and decorations charles wintour with hearts. Rough jeans, colorful leather charles wintour pants and the brand's famous leather jackets with colored stripes are also presented. Mardou & Dean's SS14 jeans have wide legs (70's cut) and are cropped and short with a low waistline. Stonewashed and colored jeans for men are also very popular - especially green jeans. The designers charles wintour Ingrid Wide Holt and Patrik Rosenfors have made an SS14 own clothing line with surfing clothes - made of neoprene in fresh colors by one of Austalia's Largest suppliers of surf clothes. - What really works and what we sell a lot of are things that are recognizable. It's Most likely something you've worn earlier in life and that we've made a good version of, the designer finishes with a playful childhood charles wintour sparkle in her eye. Text and photos: Hanne Erøy / Fashion in Oslo. SS14 SS14 women's men's SS14 SS14 surf surf
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Friday, February 14, 2014

Text and photos: Hanne Erøy. Nette Nestea selected favorites Blogs Barbro Andersen Launch in gorgeo

Stylista bloggers from left: Annette Haga / Nette Nestea, Marianne Theodorsen / Styldevil and Ulrica Lund. Ingrid Holm was not present at the launch. The new fashion portal was officially launched by Bonnier Media in Theatre hall at Hotel Continental on Tuesday evening 15th October. The website is an interactive fashion degrazia gallery in the sun universe where everyone can create the profile. Or you could click through look books and editorial matters relating degrazia gallery in the sun to fashion and trends of Costume degrazia gallery in the sun and Stella. Four major fashion bloggers now represent Stylista: Marianne Theodorsen (Style Devil), Ulrica Lund, Annette Haga (Nette Nestea) and Ingrid Holm: You can also interactively like and comment garments and accessories. degrazia gallery in the sun have hand picked degrazia gallery in the sun fashion treasures from partners mywardrobe, Asos, Nelly, Zalando and NVRNKD (Never Naked) - and you can shop directly from Stylista through these online degrazia gallery in the sun stores. Stylista TV features videos with trends and inspirations - where the four bloggers also contribute. "Shop the Look" posts are also inspiring. Viktoria Hallberg - Business Development at Bonnier Media is Bonnier Media's largest digital initiative to date in Norway. During launch, the website is presented as "your personal fashion universe." - We are extremely proud and excited to bring bloggers Marianne, Ulrica, Anette and Ingrid. All four reflect what Stylista stands for. They each have their own unique style and has a genuine interest in fashion, told Viktoria Hallberg, business development manager at Bonnier Media and head of Stylista project. - It's exciting to be part of something creative degrazia gallery in the sun and new, said Ulrica Lund. Hallberg also revealed that Stylista will focus on beauty as a separate segment in 2014 next to fashion. Stylista is also available as app for iPad and iPhone.
Short summary in English: The new fashion portal was officially launched by Bonnier Media at Hotel Continental in Oslo on Tuesday October 15th. It'sa new interactive fashion universe where everyone can set up a profile and view look books, read about fashion news and trends and shop selected treasures degrazia gallery in the sun in the Stylista shop via the collaborating online fashion stores mywardrobe, Asos, Nelly, Zalando and NVRNKD (Never Naked) . Stylista's degrazia gallery in the sun four main bloggers are Marianne Theodorsen (Style Devil), Ulrica Lund, Annette Haga (Nette Nestea) and Ingrid Holm. With them - the hunt for inspiration Becomes complete.
Text and photos: Hanne Erøy. Nette Nestea selected favorites Blogs Barbro Andersen Launch in gorgeous surroundings degrazia gallery in the sun Teatersalen Blogs Vilde Bjorn Odegaard Silvany Brice (right) - Beauty liable magazine Stella
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Thursday, February 13, 2014

Knit Icon Knitting is something Tine Solheim moda actual 2011 really, actually she is an icon to ra

She is one of the most talked about fashion designers in the Norwegian media. Haute Couture, apparel, clothing, uniforms, wedding dresses and outfits for celebrities and royalty. Tine Solheim has done it all. From travel to Saudi Arabia with Per Spook to do a job in the royal family's harem, to designing knitted garments inspired moda actual 2011 by traditional Norwegian patterns. Valentine lived champagne life, she has frequented by the rich and famous moda actual 2011 and not so little known even either.
Tine Solheim opens the door to his home and Excuse for that she must complete a conversation while I wait. She is actually in the middle of a meeting over Skype with a manufacturer in Sri Lanka. The designer working from home and using modern technology makes it easy to communicate moda actual 2011 with manufacturers located in a different continent. At the end of the working room's shelves crammed full of clothes, moda actual 2011 ordinary clothes that most of us have at home, but tightly packed with exclusive Haute Couture. Valentine sitting at the PC and explain the person in Sri Lanka what changes she would like on the garment, and it is clear that she is a woman who gets things done. This designer has several Jærn in the fire, but right now it's the project in collaboration with NORAD that is in focus.
NORAD in cooperation with the Norwegian Spirit Norad, the Directorate for Development Cooperation, runs a project in collaboration with the Norwegian Spirit. Inspired by traditional Norwegian knitting art produces Norwegian Spirit knitted garments of high quality. Valentine Solhein designer for the brand and the products are produced in one of NORAD's main development areas, moda actual 2011 Sri Lanka. In a country where there is war, where the bombs valleys and corruption abound, you want to believe whatever to work. Valentine explains that now the situation is such that the men wars, while women breadwinner family. So it is the women in Sri Lanka who knits for Norwegian Spirit. We are talking about a project that benefits everyone involved. Project helps women get work and can continue to stay home country. The alternative would have been to move to a city, which would ike been fortunate families. moda actual 2011 The women knitting factory getting fair wages, they get to stay in Community Houses, moda actual 2011 with good sanitary conditions, food etc. Norwegian Spirit get goods of best standard, garments are knitted by hand or on the computer. The garments are of lovely quality moda actual 2011 knitted Alpaca wool, which is durable and soft. The patterns are taken from authentic Norwegian knitting patterns, moda actual 2011 and are made in different color combinations. In many of the garments are also knitted small shiny beads that sparkle like snow crystals. This is not cheap garments, but Valentine says, "People are starting to become more conscious and they want quality. It is completely different moda actual 2011 energies in a hand knitted garment. "
Knit Icon Knitting is something Tine Solheim moda actual 2011 really, actually she is an icon to rain knit communities. The patterns she has designed for magazines, book and also talks with knitting clubs, she has a solid fan base here in Norway. Now's moda actual 2011 also knitting in time, which Tine think is incredibly fun. Although she started moda actual 2011 knitting a teenager, and she has developed the interest of expertise. The designer tells of a time when she had complete knitting craze. That's when the video came, she sat and watched horror movies and knitting. During the winter she knitted all 72 jackets. Today she is occupied with teaching people how they can develop keativt. "People have a need to create, they feel joy in knowing that they get to things. It's about the inner workings, it is self-development. "She talks about a changing world, if men want as creative beings. When it comes to creative expression, there is no doubt that Valentine knows what she's moda actual 2011 talking about.
In apprenticed legend moda actual 2011 Get designers as varied, not to mention impressive resume, moda actual 2011 Tine Solheim. The wonderful moda actual 2011 career started in selveset Yves Saint Laurent. After going out as the best student, with honorary diploma from Haute Couture school in Paris in 1982 she jobet a period costume assistant on the French opera. She loved to run with the costume, but when she was offered the internship of himself Yves Saint Laurent thanked her of course moda actual 2011 yes. She says that Yves was a very dramatic fire, and during the period she worked for him took a lot of drama, and he had even attempted suicide. After a period in the French fashion legend, she was put in Per Spook. Time in Paris was very exciting. She was very young when she started school, Ecole de la Chambre Syndicale de la Couture Parisienne, and she got to experience a whole new world. At school, she met gays and shemales, something she had not seen before. She tells about the time when a trio consisting of herself, Nils Christian Ihlen Hansen, who was a teacher at Esmod in Paris and the renowned ballet dancer Rudolf Nurejev hung on the hippest clubs in Paris. They made their own clothes and went to town. In a small red car drove around moda actual 2011 and they frequented the same clubs as Mick Jagger and Jerry Hall.

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Det er som å oppleve 80-tallsfilmen «Ghost Busters» fra motens perspektiv når du ser Fam Irvolls høst- og vinterkolleksjon for 2012/2013, som kalles «Bleeeeugh!!!». Monstrøse plagg, grotesk hår og makeup best beauty blogs 2011 preget catwalken tirsdag 7. februar i Samfunssalen under Oslo Fashion Week. Fam Irvoll beviser igjen at hun er et fantasigeni. Flere har plaggene har mønstre som også er tydelig preget av japansk anime. Dracula er også en inspirasjonsfaktor. - Barnefilmer best beauty blogs 2011 fra 80-tallet - jeg elsket dem da jeg var ung og tynn, med en dæsj japansk anime á la Fam. Navnet («Bleeeeugh!!!) er lyden av slim og monstre, sier Fam Irvoll til Oslo Fashion Week-magasinet.
                     Fam Irvoll overrasker alltid. Som foreksempel en lys pastellkjole i elfenbenshvitt og rosa som ser enkel ut fra forsiden. best beauty blogs 2011 Når modellen snur seg har hun en kjempestor monstersekk på ryggen - til alles begeistring. Mitt favorittplagg var perleskjørtet - som skilte seg ut som et mer klassisk plagg. Ballerinakjolen med et knallrosa skjørt er også hot! For å oppsummere: Kolleksjonen er reflektert univers av 80-og 90-tallsmote med monsterfantasi og pastellfarger som grobunn. Morsomt og skummelt!
It´s like experiencing the 80´s movie «Ghost Busters» from the perspective of fashion when you see Fam Irvoll´s AW 2012/2013 collection, which is called «Bleeeeugh!!!». Monstrous clothes and grotesque hair and makeup best beauty blogs 2011 were key at the catwalk the 7th of February in Samfunnsalen under Oslo Fashion best beauty blogs 2011 Week. Fam Irvoll proves again that she is a fantasy genious. Several of the items have patterns inspired by Japane anime. Dracula is also an inspirational factor. - 80´s kids movies I loved when I was young and slim, with a dash of Japanese anime á la Fam. The name («Bleeeeugh!!!») is the sound of slime and monsters, the designer says to Oslo Fashion best beauty blogs 2011 Week magazine.
Fam Irvoll best beauty blogs 2011 continues to surprise. Like for example, a light pastel dress in ivory white and pink looks very simple and normal at the front. When the model turns around, she´s wearing a giant monster bacpack - to everyone´s amazement. My favourite item was the pearl skirt - that stood out as a more classic clothing piece. The ballerina dress with a bright best beauty blogs 2011 pink skirt was also hot! To summarize: The collection is a reflected universe of 80s and 90s fashion with monster fantasy and pastels as fertile ground. Funny and scary!
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Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Moods of Norway launched her second fragrance for women and men to

Moods of Norway launched her second fragrance for women and men to "Bubbly Hour" event at The Thief Tjuvholmen in Oslo on Wednesday 2 October - in collaboration with ELLE magazine and Polhem PR. "Sunset Disco" is sensual and flirty - perfect for those late night hours in the sun, on the dance floor or on a date. Jasmin raine and horne haberfield Flowers, raine and horne haberfield grapefruit, peach and bergamot blends with dark tones such as musk and cedar:
- Disco Sunset is our evening perfume! Moods of Norway have different perfumes for different moods and different clothes for different moods. This has disco, raine and horne haberfield party and social class by itself - and a little more party factor. The inspiration is when the day goes to night - the blue hour. There is something magical that happens when the sun goes down. The sunsets in Norway's absolutely amazing! We are veldg satisfied with fragrance, developed by French noses in Roberts. When you have the world's smartest on the team, so it is usually good, rays Simen Staalnacke.
Short summary raine and horne haberfield in English: Moods of Norway launched their second perfume for men and women with a `Bubbly Hour 'event at the hotel on the Theif that Tjuvholmen in Oslo Friday 2nd October - in collaboration with the magazine ELLE and Polhem PR. `Disco Sunset 'is sensual and flirty - perfect for lazy hours in the sunset, at the dance floor or on a date. Jasmine flowers, peach, grapefruit and bergamot Harmonize with dark tones like musk and cedar tree.
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Fashion advisor at Lindex, Kathryn The south (right) with artist Sandra Lyng Haugen - both in Matthew Williamson for Lindex. The star designer Matthew Williamson created a popular clothing line in collaboration with Lindex. Thursday 3 October organized This Is PR and magazine ELLE die jumping into the flagship store in Karl Johan in Oslo. The store was packed full of shopping loving ladies - there pushing and crowding was an obvious consequence of beautiful design at low cost: The total ten percent of each garment will go to breast cancer research. A pink bracelet is specially designed for cancer cause, and the full amount ($ 100) goes to research. All 3000 women affected by breast cancer in Norway annually. The last ten years have Lindex through sales in its stores contributed 17 million to the Cancer Society. Fashion advisor at Lindex, Kathryn Sørland, was wearing two gorgeous dresses lifetime tv channel and one coat of collaboration collection. She was lucky enough lifetime tv channel to get Matthew Williamson at the table and dance partner at dinner, and she describes him as a kind hearted, down to earth and fun person. The collection will be launched in selected stores (click here for an overview) and on Friday 4 October.
Short summary in English: The famous designer Matthew Williamson has made a sought-after collection in collaboration with the clothing chain Lindex. Monday October 3rd, This Is PR and the magazine ELLE hosted a pre-shopping event at the flagship store in Karl Johan in Oslo. The major was stacked with excited ladies - where pushing and distress were an obvious Consequence of beautiful design for a low price. 10 percent of every garment is going directly two research on breast cancer. The collection is launched in selected stores (click here for the overview) and that on Friday November 4th.
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Tuesday, February 11, 2014

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My Chemical Romance in Oslo spectrum yesterday was cracking! The American supermodels unlimited magazine rock band has a wide range of songs and the audience loved them! There was a girl behind me who screamed so insane that it still beeps in your ear. She could have played fine in a horror movie. The singer actually said that he would never forget this night since the audience was extremely crazy! The drummer was completely raw! My Chemical Romance in Oslo Spektrum last night was awesome! The American rock band has a wide range of songs, and they totally impressed the audience. The lead singer actually said "I will never forget this night" Because of the wild crowd. A girl behind me screamed so intensly, that it's still ringing in my right ear. She Could easily get a role in a horror movie. The drummer was insane!
I wore clothes that I wrote about in my last blog, talks, in addition to rivet bag from Oasis, scarf from Magasin in Copenhagen and jacket supermodels unlimited magazine (around the arm) from the charity supermodels unlimited magazine shop. Red lipstick from Lanvin for H & M. It sits incredibly long time! / I wore the clothes as described in the last blog post, in Addition to a handbag with rivets from Oasis, a scarf from Magasin in Copenhagen and a jacket (around my arm) from charity shops. Red lipstick from Lanvin for H & M. It stays on for a very long time!
Me in clothing as described in the previous blog post + scarf from Magasin in Copenhagen, gloves from Mango, supermodels unlimited magazine bag from Oasis and jacket from charity shops. / Me in clothes supermodels unlimited magazine as described in the last blog post + scarf from Magasin in Copenhagen, gloves from Mango, handbag from Oasis and jacket from charity shops.
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Monday, February 10, 2014

Beate fant en hatt som i grunn kunne ha vært spesialdesignet til henne. Den passer program latihan f

Nina Terese Håland (t.v) og Caroline Kolflåth hadde sikret seg både magasin og fjær. /Nina Terese Håland (to the left) and Caroline Kolflåth got the magazine and feathers. Monki er et fantasimoteland som byr på stilige og spesielle plagg. Den svenske kleskjeden har også et kult blad, og nyeste utgave ble feiret i Monki-butikken på Karl Johan i Oslo siste dagen i februar. program latihan fitnes Monki Magazines «The Travel Issue» inneholder motereisereportasjer fra en rekke steder i verden. De har også fått Face Hunter -bloggeren Yvan Rodic til å ta nydelige bilder i sin reisedagbok fra Rio de Janeiro, New York og Cape Town. Det rykker i reisefoten når man blar fra side til side! Festen ble arrangert i samarbeid med magasinet Smug. På deres fester er det alltid program latihan fitnes fullt av glade mennesker. Alle fikk gratis Heineken. Musikklisten for kvelden var lang, kul og oppløftende for dansefoten: No Dial Tone, Erlend Mokkelbost, Vari, Siri Schippers, DJ Mirjam, Fanny & Charlotte og Christiane Grelland.
Navi program latihan fitnes og jeg spurte pent om vi kunne få indianerfjærhodepryden som ble delt ut. De var så fine! Jeg beholdt den på hele veien hjem på bussen, og ingen så rart på meg. Jeg ELSKER Oslo for at man får lov til å være seg selv. Når man kommer fra en småby, er det befriende å kunne gjøre som man vil uten at noen hakker eller baksnakker. Jeg elsker også Monki, fordi stilen deres er så frigjørende og kreativ! Hurra for selvstendighet! "The Travel Issue" Monki is a fashion fantasy land that offers cool and special clothes. The Swedish clothing brand also has a cool magazine, and the newest issue was celebrated at the Monki store at Karl Johan i Oslo the last day of February. Monki Magazine «The Travel Issue» contains fashion travel reports from many places in the world. They´ve also got the famous Face Hunter blogger Yvan Rodic to take beautiful pictures in Rio de Janeiro, New York and Cape Town. Your travel program latihan fitnes foot gets eager when you flip the pages! The party was arranged in collaboration with the magazine Smug. At their parties, program latihan fitnes it´s always full of happy people. Everybody got free Heinekens. The music list for the evening was long, cool and uplifting for the dance foot: No Dial Tone, Erlend Mokkelbost, Vari, Siri Schippers, DJ Mirjam, Fanny & Charlotte and Christiane Grelland.
Navi and I asked nicely if we could have the Native American feather hat that was handed out. They´re so nice! I kept it on the whole way home at the bus, and nobody stared at me. I LOVE Oslo for allowing us to be ourselves. When you come from a small town, it´s liberating to be able to do as you wish without anyone picking or gossiping. I love Monki too, because their style is so liberating and creative. Cheers to independence! Jeg var kledd i skjørt fra Mango, sko fra Debbie, jakke fra Benedicte Utzon, topp fra Versace Cruise for H&M, Mulberry-veske, vintage kameliasmykke og turkis kjede fra Accessorize. /I was dressed in a skirt from Mango, shoes from Debbie, jacket from Benedicte Utzon, top from Versace Cruise for H&M, program latihan fitnes Mulberry handbag, vintage program latihan fitnes cameo necklace and a turquoise necklace from Accessorize. Indianersøstrene! Navi og meg. /The Native American sisters! Navi and me. Cathrine ( / ) - kul som alltid! /Cathrine ( / )- cool as always!
Beate fant en hatt som i grunn kunne ha vært spesialdesignet til henne. Den passer program latihan fitnes perfekt! /Beate found a hat that simply was like designed for her. It´s perfect! Nydelige program latihan fitnes Navi ( program latihan fitnes ) i kjole fra Zara. /Beautiful Navi ( ) in a dress from Zara.
Jeg falt helt for Nelly Marie Hansens stil! Her har hun brukt indianerelementer og en etnisk mønstret veske. /I totally fell for Nelly Marie Hansen´s style! Here she has used Native American elements and an ethnical patterned handbag.
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