You can no longer suffer more structural violence and patriarchal terrorism. So we organized Feminist Brigade to transform oppressive reality. This is our political project is not only symbolic but it is not bounded face and head. Faced with so many attacks, we start from feminism self-defense and direct action.
Blessed the poor in the neighborhood, because they are suffering from precarious jobs that call blessed, blessed to be listened to that fight, because they planted equality and justice. Blessed marginalized because fighting alliance of capital and patriarchy Blessed are those who command abort because your body blessed the battered, the raped, the vexed, the maimed, the beaten, the insulted, the mentioned, the discriminated madamefigaro to organize their anger. Blessed are the men who feel like our own struggle to challenge their privileges and ROMPEN gender roles. Blessed dirty, madamefigaro the hysterical, the mad, the mamarratxes, the shameless, the irreverent, the answer to exist. Blessed the fat, the thin, the ugly, the hairy, madamefigaro the lame, the blind, the young and old dolls that go beyond stereotypes. Blessed Black, the sudaques, blackberries, gypsies, the Chinese, the Indians because their identity is their freedom. Blessed the trans bun, bi, asexual because inter and have made the abolition of the standard flag. Blessed sex workers for their bravery in the eyes of the patriarchal society stigmatizing. Blessed bushing that they want, when they want, how they want and with whom they want because their pleasure is revolution. Blessed witches because although fulminades for his wisdom still with us. Blessed our struggle for the feminist madamefigaro revolution or will not be. Mallorca Summer 2013
#hackeaelaula #rEDUvolution 15M collective action socio-cultural anthropology apotheosis art foolish Association meeting audit public debt capital capitalist centers self Bay ciberanimació social communication media circus coeducation responsible consumption 2.0 community cooperation Cooperative Culture creativity crisis culture democratic culture street culture free growth community development disobedience documentary economy education education holistic education child education non-formal education Empowerment interview popular cultural facilities public spaces welfare EZLN feminism gender globalization FX comedy collective intelligence social intervention unpublished books mediation microvídeo lalluitaeduca viable social movement organization Municipalism neoliberalism squat PAH participation pedagogy pedagogías invisible film privatization logbook resources and basic income cuts Ribot saw public service Sabadell Food Sovereignty suggestion sociology sustainability theater theater of the oppressed madamefigaro techniques Networks
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