Feminism and animal liberation (II): Breaking the logic of domination
The feminist philosopher Sandra Barky said that "feminists paris glamour do not see things paris glamour different from other people, but we see the same things but in a different way." And that is why I am communist, feminist and vegan, paris glamour so I started to do the same things differently.
The similarities between all forms of oppression are evident, and the reasons and interests to keep this rule are the same, where capitalism uses his most powerful weapons to ensure its continuity: invisibility, control reproduction and the logic of domination.
The most common trend of thought is that speciesism sexism and oppression are completely separate, when in reality, historically, women and animals are considered property. Patriarchy (male control of the political, social and family) and grass (pasture-livestock-domestication of animals as a way of life based on their operation) appeared on the historical scene together and are inseparable, paris glamour they are justified and perpetuated by the same idea and practice.
Feminists understand and distinguish gender (male, female) and gender (male, female) and take the genre to social construction. Social paris glamour constructions are cultural ideas that seem natural because almost everyone agrees. Our social constructions paris glamour of gender are so powerful that even the parents of the children perceived paris glamour as stronger and more resilient than girls.
Looking more closely the social construction of gender, we see that animals occupy paris glamour a prominent place. We project our ideas about gender non-human animals to maintain control treatment where their behavior conforms to gender stereotypes: caged hens and sows feedlot (female role), while fighting between roosters and torture of bulls is 'appropriates and promotes the idea of macho values (masculinity).
Currently feminist struggle has once again mobilized to fight approval of the draft "Law on the Protection of life and conceived and pregnant women" find ourselves in front of a rigid law cases would lead to a historic step backwards paris glamour towards sexual and reproductive rights, even the right to decide paris glamour on canceling the body of women. In this sense, our position is clear and therefore claim the right of women to decide our recognition as a subject capable of taking their own decisions, to oppose violence and patriarchal capitalist expropriates our institutional paris glamour decision-making capacity on the right to their own bodies and their own motherhood.
Feminists are accustomed to think of connections and, therefore, to act on the links between sexism and racism, sexism and exploitation between class, between sexism and degradation of the environment, etc; I think that feminists are already prepared to start thinking about the relationship between sexism and speciesism paris glamour to structure our movement being consistent and include it (recover, because we were pioneers) the struggle paris glamour for animal liberation .
That said, now speak of this connection and what is the "meat". Eating meat is an action that is performed paris glamour on the body of another animal without their consent and, therefore, it is imperative that those who consume animal products accept a form of violence committed paris glamour aberrations based on the body of a Another free without their permission. If this sounds too abstract, I will explain why my revulsion to animal milk. We talk about the commodification of the body and the consideration of females as production machines.
Cows, in addition to their meat and skin, are exploited for their milk. Companies that operate their milk to get their economic benefit to repeatedly violate these females, because like all mammals only produce milk when they have a baby daughter who was born just steal. They live poorly restrained, feedlot in small individual paris glamour pens with a concrete floor, extractor machine plugged in constantly, which is the cause ulcers and a horrible pain in the joints and breasts, not talk about suffering for the separation of its infants and the inability to interact with other members paris glamour of their species. Once you stop being productive slain. And what happened to their children? Well have also been exploited and murdered. Milk is a product obtained from the operation of the mammary paris glamour glands of cows' milk "and eventually increased incidence of cancer m
The feminist philosopher Sandra Barky said that "feminists paris glamour do not see things paris glamour different from other people, but we see the same things but in a different way." And that is why I am communist, feminist and vegan, paris glamour so I started to do the same things differently.
The similarities between all forms of oppression are evident, and the reasons and interests to keep this rule are the same, where capitalism uses his most powerful weapons to ensure its continuity: invisibility, control reproduction and the logic of domination.
The most common trend of thought is that speciesism sexism and oppression are completely separate, when in reality, historically, women and animals are considered property. Patriarchy (male control of the political, social and family) and grass (pasture-livestock-domestication of animals as a way of life based on their operation) appeared on the historical scene together and are inseparable, paris glamour they are justified and perpetuated by the same idea and practice.
Feminists understand and distinguish gender (male, female) and gender (male, female) and take the genre to social construction. Social paris glamour constructions are cultural ideas that seem natural because almost everyone agrees. Our social constructions paris glamour of gender are so powerful that even the parents of the children perceived paris glamour as stronger and more resilient than girls.
Looking more closely the social construction of gender, we see that animals occupy paris glamour a prominent place. We project our ideas about gender non-human animals to maintain control treatment where their behavior conforms to gender stereotypes: caged hens and sows feedlot (female role), while fighting between roosters and torture of bulls is 'appropriates and promotes the idea of macho values (masculinity).
Currently feminist struggle has once again mobilized to fight approval of the draft "Law on the Protection of life and conceived and pregnant women" find ourselves in front of a rigid law cases would lead to a historic step backwards paris glamour towards sexual and reproductive rights, even the right to decide paris glamour on canceling the body of women. In this sense, our position is clear and therefore claim the right of women to decide our recognition as a subject capable of taking their own decisions, to oppose violence and patriarchal capitalist expropriates our institutional paris glamour decision-making capacity on the right to their own bodies and their own motherhood.
Feminists are accustomed to think of connections and, therefore, to act on the links between sexism and racism, sexism and exploitation between class, between sexism and degradation of the environment, etc; I think that feminists are already prepared to start thinking about the relationship between sexism and speciesism paris glamour to structure our movement being consistent and include it (recover, because we were pioneers) the struggle paris glamour for animal liberation .
That said, now speak of this connection and what is the "meat". Eating meat is an action that is performed paris glamour on the body of another animal without their consent and, therefore, it is imperative that those who consume animal products accept a form of violence committed paris glamour aberrations based on the body of a Another free without their permission. If this sounds too abstract, I will explain why my revulsion to animal milk. We talk about the commodification of the body and the consideration of females as production machines.
Cows, in addition to their meat and skin, are exploited for their milk. Companies that operate their milk to get their economic benefit to repeatedly violate these females, because like all mammals only produce milk when they have a baby daughter who was born just steal. They live poorly restrained, feedlot in small individual paris glamour pens with a concrete floor, extractor machine plugged in constantly, which is the cause ulcers and a horrible pain in the joints and breasts, not talk about suffering for the separation of its infants and the inability to interact with other members paris glamour of their species. Once you stop being productive slain. And what happened to their children? Well have also been exploited and murdered. Milk is a product obtained from the operation of the mammary paris glamour glands of cows' milk "and eventually increased incidence of cancer m
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