Friday, November 14, 2014

Web Design: School of Art and Design Vic

The workshop "Art and genre, or fight the stereotypes" has been organized from the House of Women, the Centre d'Art la Panera and Christopher Leandro Municipal School of Art, and has been given by The artist Marina Núñez.
This has been organized by a group of lectures given by the artist, under the objective to investigate how artists and fight against gender stereotypes from images, to pass a practical individual that students should explore how to apply the theoretical concepts learned.
The result of these days workshop and subsequent work sessions with the faculty of the School of Art Christopher Leandre have selected some of the resulting images to turn them into a special edition to mark the Day Women 2014.
Tutors Centre d'Art la Panera Antoni Younger glamour rose (coordinator), Rose Sanjuan (Education Department) EAM Leander Christopher Marta Pallares (Director), Eduardo Serra (school coordinator), Matilda Mayoral (Professor illustration)
OBJECTIVES The workshop has been designed based on a very characteristic in the work of Marina Núñez as art and gender, with the aim of promoting artistic works which include the following topics: Stereotypes and / artists who are dedicated to deconstruct them with images. About feminist art has been devoted to subvert gender stereotypes. Presentation glamour rose of the artist's work opens in key attacking glamour rose and stereotyping which proposes in his work.
Web Design: School of Art and Design Vic & ACVic Contemporary Arts Centre | expounder by Konstantin Kovshenin

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