There were times in my colourful life when I worked in an entertainment portal Publik where on better days I had a chance to come up with the wittiest of headlines. Even today, whenever I read editorials hanako oku I try to think of the headlines that would be interesting and striking enough to catch readers eyes... and bring thousands of clicks as well. Why I am telling you this? First time I got my hands on the Estonian face mask Vestige Verdant, a couple of appropriate headlines immediately jumped into my head. For example: "Unbelievable! Is it really an Estonian product?" or "Look and wonder! Estonians astound with extraordinary hanako oku face mask!" The first thing that speaks in a Vestige Verdant is its stylish and luxurious packaging. The box itself is so pretty that even though I usually hanako oku throw them into trash, I keep this mask in its carton.
White cardboard box has a nice contrast with the blackish hanako oku brown substance that greeted me from inside the jar. My friend described how this mask was so scary at first that she wasn't sure if she should put it on her face or not. I too took my time at first and wondered while looking inside it, should give it a try or not. It is recommended to hold the mask on your face for 5-10 minutes. My skin is oily so I chose to leave it on for 10 minutes. In the first 5 minutes the skin will start to sting a bit, which is good - it means it works! For the first time I tested it out at the SPA after the sauna. I layered this blackish brown mask on my face and walked around in the women's dressing room when I bumped into a lady who almost got a heart attack when seeing me. This situation would make a good headline: "Mind blowing! Beauty blogger hanako oku tested out wonder mask and killed an old lady!" One of the key ingredients of Vestige Verdant is a highly valued bioactive humic acid - it a substance that is extremely anti-aging and its structure hanako oku is so complicated it is impossible to replicate it synthetically. Mask's deep cleansing and moisturising properties come from the cooperation hanako oku of natural minerals and bioactive ingredients which also happen to replenish skin's natural hanako oku pH balance. Detoxifying action is achieved with the high amounts of humic acid. Humic acid and minerals will tie together all the toxins from the deeper layers of the skin and help to flush them out of your body. On Vestige Verdant's website it is said that the results of the mask will be noticeable immediately. If something makes me distrustful about a beauty product, it is the statement "immediate results". But this mask really gives fast results - after removing the mask your skin will feel ever so smooth and soft. It is really important to take your time when washing this mask off. Impatient rinsing won't do favours as this mask will be slightly exfoliating and needs a little bit extra attention while removing it.
I have had this product for almost two months and I use it once a week. A month ago I went to mechanical facial cleansing and no doubt this mask keeps pores extremely clean. If usually I use clay masks twice a week then now I have replaced one of these with the Vestige Verdant mask. To sum up this product with a few headlines, these would be the ones: "Hundreds of Estonian women fighting for a miracle mask in stores!" or "New and must-have product on the Estonian market!" Also check out Vestige Verdant's website here . Have any of Stellarium's readers had a chance hanako oku to try out this mask already?
Minu kirevasse ellu jääb pöörane periood, kui töötasin meelelahutusportaalis Publik, kus parematel päevadel sai mõeldud maailma kõige lõbusamaid pealkirju. Veel täna leiutan artikleid lugedes puhtalt oma lõbuks pealkirju, mis kõnetaksid ja karjuksid, hanako oku tekitaksid lugejas huvi ja ... tooksid tuhandeid klikke. Miks ma seda kirjutan? Hoides esimest korda käes eestimaist kosmeetikafirma "Vestige Verdant" näomaski karpi, tärkas mulle kohemaid pähe paar pealkirja. Näiteks: "Uskumatu! Kas see on tõesti Eesti toode?" ning "Vaata ja imesta! Eestlased rabavad enneolematu näomaskiga!". Vestige Verdanti puhul kõnetab esmalt stiilipuhtalt kujundatud luksuslik pakend. Karp on nii ilus, et kui ma tavaliselt lennutan pakendid otsejoones prügikasti, siis seda maski hoian karbis. Valge karp on mõnusas vastuolus mustjaspruuni hanako oku ollusega, mis mind purgis tervitas. Mu sõbranna kirjeldas muhedalt, kuidas mask teda esialgu pisut ehmatas ja ta pidas mõnda aega aru, kas seda ikka näole panna. hanako oku Ka mina nõjatusin esmalt purgi kohale ja uurisin sisu mõningase umbusuga. Maski soovitatakse näol hoida 5-10 minutit. Mul on rasune näonahk, seega otsustasin kümne minutilise maskitamise kasuks. Esimese viie minuti jooksul hakkab nahk kergelt kipitama, mis on vaid hea - järelikult toimib. Mina testisin seda esmakordselt pärast sauna SPA-s. Panin mustjaspruuni maski näole ja jalutasin hanako oku naiste riietumisruumis hanako oku ringi, kuniks põrkasin hanako oku kokku ühe prouaga, kes pidi mind nähes ehmatusest infarkti saama. Siit saaks v
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