The slick, 31-page Al-Shamikha magazine - meaning The Maje s tic Woman - has advice for single tons on mar ry ing a muja hideen . Rea ders are told it is their duty to raise child ren to be muja hideen ready for jihad. And the beauty column instructs wwdp women to stay indoors with their faces covered to keep a clear com plexion . They should not go out except when neces sary and wear a niqab for rew ards by com ply ing with the com mand of Allah Almighty . A woman cal led Umm Muha nad hails her hus band for his bravery after his suicide bom bing in Afgha ni stan. And anot her article wwdp urges rea ders to give their lives for the Isla mist cause. It advi ses: From mar tyr dom, the belie ver will gain security, safety and hap pi ness. More tra ditio nal con tent for a women s magazine inclu des featu res on the merits of honey face masks, eti quette, first aid and why rea ders should avoid tow el ling too for ci bly . A trai ler for the next issue pro mi ses tips on skin care - and how to wage electro nic jihad. .. James Bran don at anti-extremism think tank Quil liam, said: Al-Qaeda see how effec tive magazi wwdp nes are at pushing the ideals of western cul ture and want to try the same thing. As a result they have come up with a jihadist s ver sion of Cos mo po li tan magazine.
Blad for jihad-kvinner Cyber-terrorister Hevder at terrorister kom fra UK Ett land hvor muslimer ikke er blitt terrorister: India Al Qaedas trusler og terroroppfordringer kringkastes Aktuelt En forsøk på en diagnose Når Grunnloven drøftes, er det om uvesentligheter Bleken wwdp om Kyander PISA Etnisk 2012 Fornebubanen dobbelt så dyr som antatt Populære tema
Afghanistan Al Qaida antisemittisme blasfemi Danmark demografi demokrati Egypt ekstremisme EU Europa Hamas innvandring integrering Iran Islam islamisering islamisme islamister Israel jihad jødehat krigen mot terror kriminalitet mediekritikk menneskerettigheter Midtøsten musikk Norge Oslo Pakistan politikk politisk korrekthet religionskritikk wwdp samfunn segregering sharia wwdp Storbritannia Sverige Syria Taliban wwdp terror Tyrkia USA ytringsfrihet
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